irony peer review


Story Structure - 4 establishes strong plot, there are clear dialogue going on in the story

Characterization - 3 some character development, need some more clear description

Ideas - 4 develops ideas clearly, relevant details

Designing Organization - 4 maintains a clear focus on a topic. Exhibits a logical sequence of ideas through appropriate transitions

Specific Assignment Directions – 5 exceeds all requirements specified for this assignment

Description – 3 some use of concrete language, literary devices, and sensory detail in assignment

Word Choice – 4 effective word choices

Sentence Variety – 4 good sentence structure and variety

Voice/Sense of Audience – 4 evident awareness of voice and audience

Grammar/ Punctuation – 4 mostly correct grammar

Spelling and Word Usage – 4 mostly correct spelling and word usage

Overall assignment presentation – 2 no title

Assessment: overall I really like the story, how it flows and everything but could use more descriptive words and characterization and need a title.


Madeliene : 

Story Structure – 4 establishes plot setting and point of view

Characterization – 5 develops characters through dialogue, narration and action

Ideas -5 develop ideas clearly and fully

Designing Organization -5 maintain a clear focus

Specific Assignment Directions -5 exceeds all requirements for this assignment

Description -5 creative and I like your word usage

Word Choice -5 good vocabulary

Sentence Variety -5 well structure sentences

Voice/Sense of Audience -5

Grammar/ Punctuation -5

Spelling and Word Usage -5

Overall assignment presentation -5 all requirements meet

Assessment- I like your story very much and it is very well develop and I really like how the story flows.