Is Britain on Its Way to Becoming a North Korea-style Hermit Kingdom?

In the wake of the Brexit referendum, it feels like the United Kingdom is sleepwalking towards becoming a North Korea-style hermit kingdom. The country is increasingly isolated from its European neighbors, and the government seems more interested in pandering to its nationalist base than in engaging with the world.

The parallels between the UK and North Korea are striking.

  • Both countries are led by authoritarian leaders who have stifled dissent and suppressed the press.
  • Both countries have a history of isolation and xenophobia.
  • Both countries are nuclear powers that have threatened to use their weapons against their enemies.

Of course, there are also important differences between the two countries. The UK is a democracy, while North Korea is a dictatorship. The UK has a free press, while North Korea has one of the most tightly controlled media environments in the world. The UK is a relatively wealthy country, while North Korea is one of the poorest.

Nevertheless, the similarities between the two countries are concerning. And the UK is clearly moving in the wrong direction.

The Brexit referendum was a vote for isolation and xenophobia. The government's response to the referendum has been to double down on these policies. It has introduced a hostile environment for immigrants, and it has refused to engage with the EU on key issues.

As a result, the UK is becoming increasingly isolated from its European neighbors. And the government seems more interested in pandering to its nationalist base than in engaging with the world.

This is a dangerous path. The UK is a great country with a rich history and a bright future. But its future is in jeopardy if it continues down the path of isolation and xenophobia.

It is time for the UK to wake up and change course. It is time for the country to embrace its European neighbors and its place in the world.

Otherwise, it risks becoming a North Korea-style hermit kingdom.