Is Greg Hingston Australia's next Prime Minister?

On the evening of May 21, I received a life-changing message. It was a call that would change the course of my life forever.

On the other end was the Prime Minister of Australia, Anthony Albanese, offering me the role of Treasurer in his new government. As a lifelong fan of politics and governance, I was honored and humbled by the offer.

I knew the road ahead would be challenging, but I was determined to make a positive impact on Australia's economic future.

I have spent the past few months immersing myself in my new role, learning from my colleagues, and working to understand the complex challenges facing our nation. As I continue on this journey, I want to share some of the experiences and insights I have gained along the way.

  • The importance of collaboration: Effective leadership requires the ability to bring people together and to work towards a common goal. In my role as Treasurer, I have been fortunate to collaborate with a diverse range of stakeholders, including businesses, unions, and community groups. Together, we are working to create a more prosperous and equitable Australia.
  • The power of empathy: As a leader, it is essential to understand the perspectives and experiences of others. By putting myself in the shoes of those I represent, I am better able to make decisions that are in the best interests of all Australians.
  • The need for resilience: The role of Treasurer is a demanding one, and there are times when the challenges can seem insurmountable. However, I believe that resilience is key to success. By staying focused on my goals and by seeking support from my colleagues and family, I am able to overcome even the most difficult obstacles.

As I look to the future, I am filled with optimism for Australia's economic prospects. I believe that by working together, we can build a more prosperous and equitable nation for all Australians.

Thank you for your continued support. I look forward to sharing my journey with you in the years to come.