Is Hallee Elge the Loneliest Girl in the World?

Well, let me tell you a little story about a girl named Hallee Elge. She was the loneliest girl in the world. She lived in a small town where everyone knew everyone else, and she didn't have any friends. No one ever wanted to play with her, and she was always the last one picked for teams in gym class.

Hallee Elge was a very shy girl. She was afraid to talk to people, and she didn't know how to make friends. So she just kept to herself, and she was always lonely.

The only time Hallee Elge didn't feel lonely was when she was reading. She loved to read, and she would spend hours in the library, lost in her books. She would read about faraway places and meet imaginary friends. She would read about people who were brave and kind, and she would dream that she could be like them.

One day, Hallee Elge was in the library when she saw a group of girls sitting at a table. They were all chatting and laughing, and Hallee Elge wished that she could be part of their group. She wanted to be friends with them, but she didn't know how to start a conversation.

Just then, one of the girls looked up and saw Hallee Elge staring at them. The girl smiled at Hallee Elge and said, "Hi. My name is Sarah. What's your name?"

Hallee Elge was so surprised that she could barely speak. She stuttered, "My name is Hallee Elge."

"It's nice to meet you, Hallee Elge," Sarah said. "Would you like to join us?"

Hallee Elge nodded her head and sat down at the table. She was so happy to finally have some friends. She talked to Sarah and the other girls for hours, and she felt like she had known them her whole life.

From that day on, Hallee Elge was no longer the loneliest girl in the world. She had found friends, and she was finally happy.

So, if you're feeling lonely, don't give up hope. There are people out there who want to be your friend. Just be yourself, and you'll find them.