Is Paul McCartney Really a Grandfather?

Is Paul McCartney a grandfather? Well, no, not quite yet. But he's getting there. His daughter Stella is married to Alasdhair Willis, and they have four children together: Miller Alasdhair James Willis, Bailey Linda Olwyn Willis, Beckett Robert Lee Willis, and Reiley Dilys Stella Willis. So, while Paul McCartney isn't a grandfather yet, he's definitely on the cusp of it.
And when he does become a grandfather, I'm sure he'll be a great one. He's always been a loving and supportive father to his own children, and I'm sure he'll be the same with his grandchildren. He's also a very творческий person, so I'm sure he'll find plenty of fun and creative ways to spend time with them.
In the meantime, Paul McCartney is still enjoying being a father. He's often seen out and about with his children and grandchildren, and he always seems to be having a great time.
So, while we may have to wait a little while longer for Paul McCartney to become a grandfather, I'm sure he'll be a great one when the time comes.