Is Saying Hello to Strangers Really All That Bad?

I've always been a friendly person. I smile at strangers, say hello in the elevator, and make an effort to hold doors open for people. But lately, I've noticed a trend of people being less friendly. It's like there's an unspoken rule that we should all just keep to ourselves.

I understand the argument that we live in a busy world and that we don't always have time to stop and chat with strangers. But I think we're missing out on something important when we don't make an effort to connect with each other.

  • Small talk can lead to big things. You never know when a simple conversation with a stranger could turn into a friendship, a business opportunity, or even a life-changing experience.
  • Saying "hello" can make someone's day. A friendly smile and a kind word can go a long way, especially for someone who might be feeling lonely or down.
  • It's simply the polite thing to do. When we say "hello" to strangers, we're showing them that we acknowledge their presence and that we care about them as fellow human beings.

I'm not saying that we should all go out and become extroverts. But I do think that we should make a conscious effort to be more friendly and open to strangers. It really doesn't take much time or effort. Just a simple smile and a "hello" can make a difference.

So next time you see a stranger, don't be afraid to say "hello." You never know what might happen.

P.S. I'm not saying that you should say "hello" to everyone you see. There are some people who you just don't want to talk to. But if you see someone who looks friendly and approachable, don't be afraid to say "hello."