Is the Electric Picnic Map Lying to You?

The Electric Picnic map is a beautiful thing. It's a colorful, hand-drawn guide to the festival site, with each stage, bar, and tent carefully marked out. But is it accurate?

I've been to Electric Picnic a few times now, and I've noticed that the map is not always entirely reliable. For example, one year the map showed a bar in a field that didn't actually exist. Another year, the map showed a stage that was actually in a different field.

This year, I decided to put the map to the test. I took a GPS tracker with me and recorded my movements throughout the festival. When I got home, I compared my GPS data to the map, and I found that there were a number of discrepancies.

  • The map showed a path that led from the main stage to the comedy tent. However, my GPS data showed that the path actually led to a dead end.
  • The map showed a bar in the middle of the forest. However, my GPS data showed that the bar was actually located on the edge of the forest.
  • The map showed a stage that was in a field next to the lake. However, my GPS data showed that the stage was actually located in a field next to the forest.

I'm not sure why the Electric Picnic map is so inaccurate. Maybe it's just a case of artistic license. Or maybe the festival organizers are trying to keep the festival-goers on their toes. Whatever the reason, it's important to be aware that the map is not always reliable.

If you're planning on going to Electric Picnic this year, I recommend that you download the festival app. The app includes a map that is much more accurate than the printed map. You can also use the app to find your friends, track your favorite acts, and get updates on the festival schedule.

So, is the Electric Picnic map lying to you? Not exactly. But it's definitely not as accurate as it could be. If you're relying on the map to find your way around the festival, be prepared to get lost a few times. But that's all part of the fun!