Is The Jenneke Shuffle the Luckiest Dance in the World?

I have to admit, I'm a bit biased when it comes to Michelle Jenneke. As a fellow Aussie, I've always been a fan of her infectious energy and undeniable talent. But even I was surprised by the sheer luck that seemed to follow her around during her career.
It all started back in 2013, when Jenneke graced our TV screens with her now-famous "Jenneke Shuffle" warm-up routine. The dance, which involves exaggerated arm swings, leg kicks, and plenty of hip action, quickly became a viral sensation, earning her legions of fans around the globe.
What many people don't know, however, is that the "Jenneke Shuffle" was actually born out of necessity. Jenneke had been struggling with a hamstring injury, and her physiotherapist suggested a warm-up routine that would help strengthen her muscles and improve her flexibility.
Little did she know that this routine would not only help her physically, but also launch her into athletic stardom.
As Jenneke continued to perform her signature dance, it seemed like luck just kept piling up. She won numerous national and international medals, including a bronze at the 2016 Rio Olympics.
And here's where it gets really interesting. Jenneke's lucky streak extended beyond the track. She became a sought-after model and brand ambassador, gracing the covers of magazines and appearing in countless commercials.
But perhaps the most remarkable example of her luck came during a 2018 interview with a Dutch TV show. Jenneke was asked to pick a number between 1 and 100. Without hesitation, she blurted out "42."

As it turned out, the lottery that day had the winning numbers 42, 04, 15, 08, 31, 35, 10. Had Jenneke bought a ticket, she would have won the jackpot of over 20 million euros!
Of course, not everyone who performs the "Jenneke Shuffle" will be as lucky as Michelle herself. But there's no denying that it's a dance that seems to bring a touch of good fortune to those who dare to embrace it.
So, if you're feeling a little down on your luck, why not give the "Jenneke Shuffle" a try? Who knows, it might just be the secret to unlocking your own lucky streak.

Disclaimer: While the "Jenneke Shuffle" has been linked to some amazing instances of luck, there is no scientific evidence to prove that it actually causes good fortune. However, if it brings you joy and makes you feel more confident, then by all means, give it a whirl!