Is This The Funniest Joke Ever?

Greeks are known for their sense of humor. And Bob Newhart is no exception. The legendary comedian has been making people laugh for decades with his wry observations and deadpan delivery. But what is it about Newhart's humor that makes it so enduring?
In a recent interview, Newhart shared his thoughts on what makes a good joke. "A good joke is all about the timing," he said. "It's about knowing when to pause, when to deliver the punchline, and when to just let the silence hang there."
Newhart also talked about the importance of surprise. "A good joke is unexpected," he said. "It's the kind of joke that catches you off guard and makes you laugh out loud."
Of course, not everyone finds Newhart's humor funny. Some people find his jokes too dry or too subtle. But for those who get it, Newhart's humor is a gift.
So, what is the funniest joke ever?
According to Newhart, it's this one:
"A man walks into a doctor's office and says, 'Doctor, I'm having trouble sleeping.'
The doctor asks, 'What seems to be the problem?'
The man replies, 'Well, every night I dream that I'm a giant marshmallow.'
The doctor says, 'I can't help you with that, but I can refer you to a psychiatrist.'
The man says, 'No, I don't need a psychiatrist. I just want you to give me something to help me sleep.'
The doctor says, 'I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do.'
The man says, 'But you have to help me! I'm desperate!'
The doctor says, 'Well, there is one thing I can do. I can give you a suppository.'
The man says, 'A suppository? What's that?'
The doctor says, 'It's a small, round pill that you insert into your rectum.'
The man says, 'My rectum? But what will that do?'
The doctor says, 'It will make you sleep like a baby.'
The man says, 'I don't know. I'm not sure I want to put anything in my rectum.'
The doctor says, 'Okay, then I have another option. I can give you a suppository that you insert into your ear.'
The man says, 'My ear? What will that do?
The doctor says, 'It will make you sleep like a log.'
The man says, 'I don't know. I'm not sure I want to put anything in my ear.'
The doctor says, 'Okay, then I have one more option. I can give you a suppository that you insert into your mouth.'
The man says, 'My mouth? What will that do?'
The doctor says, 'It will make you sleep like a dead man.'
The man says, 'A dead man? I don't want to sleep like a dead man!'
The doctor says, 'Okay, then I have no other options for you.'
The next night, the man goes to bed and, as usual, he starts to dream that he is a giant marshmallow. But this time, he is not alone. There is a giant hot dog chasing him.
The man runs and runs, but the hot dog is gaining on him. Finally, the hot dog catches up to the man and eats him in one bite.
The man wakes up screaming and runs to the doctor's office. He bursts into the doctor's office and says, 'Doctor, you have to help me! I had a terrible dream last night!'
The doctor says, 'What was it about?'
The man says, 'I dreamed that I was a giant marshmallow and a giant hot dog ate me!
The doctor says, 'Well, I told you. I told you that if you put a suppository in your mouth, you would sleep like a dead man."