Dear My Future Kids - Isabella Salazar

Isabella S

Tonia P

ENGL 1102

23 Jan 2020

Dear My Future Kids

I want you all to continue our tradition of hiking up the sweet water trails; I want you and your kids to carry on and make memories in nature. Things might change in time but I want you to remember how nature looks back then and cherish it. The future tends to make things more modern and more synthetic. Don’t fall into the fake plants and pictures; go out yourself and go nature. Take a hike up the trails, the mountains, go canoeing, go explore all the things out there. Take pictures of everything. When you have kids take them too.

When I was younger, my family and I would always go hiking up Kennesaw mountain or the sweet water trails every Sunday. We wake up early in the morning, make and pack sandwiches and water, load it up and drive out to the mountains. Some times my cousins would join us and we’d start hiking up the mountain, taking in the fresh breeze while watching the wind blow through the branches. Were always talking having a good time, and every now and then we’d come across some people coming from there way down and they're all like “Good luck!” laughing.

We would take little breaks when the hills would get steep but other than that we kept pushing. The hardest part is getting up the hill but once we get up to the top, it is the most beautiful view. You can walk up to the edge and lookout, and you see the city, the bare lands, the cars and roads. From up there, everything else below looks so small. It truly is the most amazing experience. Putting up the technology and just breathing in the fresh breeze is wonderful.

My siblings and I would walk around towards this stone wall, and there’s this opening to a little cave-like area that is covered by hanging vines. We’d go right up to it and push the vines aside and lift one another into it. My family would just hang in there and look at the views and its honestly indescribable. I hope you get to see the same things I do; I hope people don’t fill the air with pollution and cut down the nature aspect. It's important for you to preserve nature and keep it at its finest not even just for you but your kids and so on.

On the way down isn’t as bad as it is to get up the hill. Our legs would always be flimsy and weak from working them out that it is hard to walk down. We’d always walk down and now where on the other side so when we see people climbing up, we’d be the ones saying, “Good luck!”. Spending time with family just in nature, no devices are needed for everyone.

Once we get down from the mountain, we’d find a space out in the grass under a tree. We bring out a blanket from the car, we lay it down and sit down and prepare the sandwiches we packed and drinks in the cooler. We were all talking to each other, enjoying the scenery around us, and just relaxing. Once we're done with that we pack up and leave to go home.

Go out and do things, climb a mountain, go canoeing, etc. Being out in nature with loved ones, and just spending time is always a great thing. I hope you get to experience this with your kids or friends in the future.