Can Muslims Co-Exist with others?

7:30pm via Web

.@BrythonicBriton @kateofumbar That's not a bad idea. We would need the force of law behind it. What we have is not enough at the moment.

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catstrangler101: We should not judge all #Muslims solely by the actions of a few, but rather by the inaction of the majority in the face of unspeakable evil1:06pm, Mar 01 from PatriotJournalist


kateofumbar@catstrangler101idiotic simplification. The 'West' gets hated in a similar way. You're just encouraging the cycle of hatred and violence.2:15pm, Mar 01 from TweetCaster for Android


catstrangler101: .@kateofumbar I realise this is not the Official Islam propaganda we are all being fed with. But it is the truth., Mar 01 from Web


kateofumbar: .@catstrangler101 No. There is no truth! Only opinions. I dislike fundamentalism. That's my opinion. I'll read it though and get back to you3:08pm, Mar 01 from TweetCaster for Android


catstrangler101: .@kateofumbar The truth is that Islam will NOT coexist with us, no matter how much we might like it to and how much we appease it with PC/MC3:14pm, Mar 01 from Web


kateofumbar: .@catstrangler101 I can only say I disagree. The extremists may not co-exist peacefully but the vast majority of people will and do.3:21pm, Mar 01 from TweetCaster for Android


catstrangler101: .@kateofumbar - It would be nice to think this would be enough, but the history of Islamic expansion over the last 1400 yrs shows otherwise.3:40pm, Mar 01 from Web


kateofumbar: .@catstrangler101Secularism is expanding faster now. I'm hopeful.3:50pm, Mar 01 from TweetCaster for Android


catstrangler101: .@kateofumbar But we are at a point where demographics are against us, and unless we reverse the tide, we will have civil wars everywhere.4:00pm, Mar 01 from Web


kateofumbar: .@catstrangler101How can you fight demographics? Kill people? Pen them up? Or talk, integrate and transform them?4:03pm, Mar 01 from TweetCaster for Android


catstrangler101: .@kateofumbarIntegration will ONLY come if Muslims renounce the doctrines of Qu'ran & Sunnah. This would mean that they would be apostates.4:11pm, Mar 01 from Web


kateofumbar@catstrangler101 They have only to give more weight to the nice bits and ignore the bad. Same as good Christians do. What do you want?4:18pm, Mar 01 from TweetCaster for Android


catstrangler101: .@kateofumbar I want for our civilisation NOT to be extinguished in the way that Islam has extinguished EVERY other civilisation encountered4:26pm, Mar 01 from Web


kateofumbar: .@catstrangler101 That is not my understanding. Turkey, Bulgaria, India, Bosnia, Spain were all encountered.4:29pm, Mar 01 from TweetCaster for Android


catstrangler101@kateofumbarTurkey used to be Greek Anatolia. India used to be Hindu / Buddhist. Bosnia crippled by misguided EU support of Muslims in war.4:44pm, Mar 01 from Web


kateofumbar: .@catstrangler101Turkey, India, Bosnia and Spain are all secular multicultural states. Hardly extinguished, are they?4:47pm, Mar 01 from TweetCaster for Android


catstrangler101: .@kateofumbarBosnia rapidly Islamising - I'd hardly call that a secular success story, and the rest of former Yugoslavia has similar probs.4:59pm, Mar 01 from Web


BrythonicBriton@catstrangler101@kateofumbar Sorry to butt in here. There MUST be a separation of Religion and State. Personal faith not Political mandate5:04pm, Mar 01 from Web


catstrangler101: .@BrythonicBriton@kateofumbar I agree we SHOULD reinforce separation of church and state. Muslims of course b/c of Islam want the opposite.5:10pm, Mar 01 from Web


BrythonicBriton@catstrangler101@kateofumbar There should be a Secular watchdog instituted to ensure all statements and rulings are not of religous nature5:14pm, Mar 01 from Web


catstrangler101: .@BrythonicBriton@kateofumbar That's not a bad idea. We would need the force of law behind it. What we have is not enough at the moment.7:30pm, Mar 01 from Web