
I have too many questions about Christianity and have always had them. I feel Christianity has lost its original message. Today people are calling themselves Christian, but then do cruel things to one another. I have attended many churches, but the preaching seems racist, elitist, and for dumb people. Even as a child I observed Christian pastors doing terrible things to others without question. It made no sense. I believe Jesus was tough, like a warrior, with a lot of mental fortitude to challenge the status quo at the time, which controlled everything.  I don't believe Jesus was a god, ghost, or messiah. Islam is more practical and doesn't tell people to believe on blind faith alone; it explains the 'why' I'm always asking. I believe Muhammad was also a prophet, but he corrected a lot of misconceptions in the Bible. I also believe Muslims have a kindness and patience within them that I need to learn. I want to get rid of the anger and worry that weighs heavily within my heart by allowing God to replace it with love and kindness.

I will be starting a new job next week after being unemployed for over 6 months. I will be working approximately an hour away from where I live. I was guided online to a masjid by a kind person living in another part of the world. They miraculously provided me the address of a place which was a few blocks from where I will be working. I hadn’t even mentioned the city yet! Hence, today I repeated my Shahadah in hopes it will inspire Allah’s will.