Israel and Iran today

When we hear about the conflict between Israel and Iran, it's easy to get caught up in the headlines and forget the people who are being affected by the violence. I recently had the opportunity to travel to Israel and see firsthand the impact that the conflict is having on the people there.
I met with a group of Israeli teenagers who told me about their experiences growing up in a war zone. They told me about the fear of rocket attacks, and the constant worry that they or their loved ones could be killed. They also told me about their hopes for peace. I also met with a group of Palestinian teenagers. They told me about their experiences living under Israeli occupation. They talked about the poverty, discrimination, and violence that they face. They told me about their hopes for a better future.
As I listened to these stories, I couldn't help but think about how important it is for us to keep talking about the conflict. We need to keep the conversation going, and we need to keep pressing for a peaceful resolution.
The conflict between Israel and Iran is a complex one. There are no easy answers. But if we can all just try to listen to each other, we can start to build a better future.
Here are some things you can do to help:
  • Educate yourself about the conflict.
  • Talk to people who have been affected by the conflict.
  • Support organizations that are working for peace.
  • Write to your elected officials and tell them that you support a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
  • Join a dialogue group or peacebuilding organization.
  • Travel to Israel and see for yourself the impact that the conflict is having on the people there.