Ivy So

With a name like Ivy So, there is little doubt about my heritage. Over the course of my life, my name has proved both a blessing and a curse. Some people say it is a beautiful name and that I should be proud of it. Others have made it clear that they believe my name is ugly and that my parents should be ashamed for giving it to me.

I have always been proud of my name. I think it is unique, interesting, and beautiful. But I also recognize that not everyone shares my opinion.

One of the biggest problems with my name is that it's hard to pronounce. People often mispronounce it, which can be frustrating since I've had to correct them countless times.
My history teacher in high school once called me "Ivy Sow," which made the entire class laugh. I tried to correct him, but he just repeated himself. After that, the entire class started calling me "Ivy Sow." It was annoying at first, but eventually, I just started to laugh it off and joined in on the joke.

Another problem with my name is that it can be difficult to spell since it's so uncommon. When I give my name to someone, they often have to ask me to repeat it or spell it for them. It can be a bit of a hassle, but I'm used to it by now.

Despite the challenges it sometimes brings, I still love my name. It is a part of who I am and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Actually, that's not entirely true. In a heartbeat, I would trade my name for a million dollars. I would even throw in my pet hamster, Kiwi, as a bonus.

But in all seriousness, I am proud of my name and wouldn't trade it for anything. It's a unique, beautiful name that reflects my Chinese heritage. I am lucky to have it.

I know that not everyone will understand or appreciate my name, but that's okay. I'm not going to change it for anyone. I love my name and I'm proud of it.

If you're thinking about changing your name, I encourage you to think twice. Your name is a part of who you are. It's something that you should be proud of. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.