Whenever In Need Of Hormone Therapy LA Jolla Ought To Be Prioritized

Hormone therapy (HT) or hormone replacement therapy as it is sometimes referred to is a form of medication administered to women for the replacement of hormones. The hormones that are being replaced are the ones that the body can no longer synthesize because when one approaches or passes the age of menopause. When one needs to understand more about hormone therapy LA Jolla is a good place to visit. Professionals in this area can give good advice on what to do.
Most therapies incorporate a combination of progesterone and estrogen treatment, even though there are many different forms. Besides that, some HTs also incorporate estrogen treatment only. One can acquire systemic HT from most places where drugs are sold, such as drug stores, pharmacies, hospitals, and clinics. Major forms they can be purchased in are creams, skin patch, pills, gels, and sprays.
At the moment night sweats and hot flashes can only be effectively treated by Systemic HT. The estrogen that is incorporated in systemic HT makes them capable of treating various vaginal symptoms as well. Dryness, discomfort during the act of sex, and itching and/or burning can also be treated well using systemic HT.
Other forms of HT are the low-dose vaginal products which are made of preparations of estrogen. They are available in form of ring forms, tablets, and creams. These products are effective at treating urinary and vaginal symptoms. Their advantage is that they work effectively but their absorption into the body is kept at the lowest level possible. It should be understood that low-dose vaginal preparations cannot be helpful with night sweats, osteoporosis, or hot flashes.
HT was previously thought to be capable of preventing possible dementia and heart conditions. However, with further research being conducted, that stand has since changed. HT was determined to have severe side effects even though it treats menopausal symptoms quite effectively. The change in stand after the study made doctors to be less likely to prescribe HT to women for the treatment of menopausal symptoms.
Further evaluation of the results of the clinical trial later indicated that HT may actually be beneficial to women with certain health levels. Estrogen has for instance been found to be able to reduce the probability of heart disease when taken early in postmenopausal years. A recent study also found no relationship between HT and heart disease.
So far, treatment of menopausal symptoms is best treated by estrogen as the most effective option. For healthy people, the benefits outweigh the risks. One situation where benefits outweigh risks is when hot flashes being experienced are moderate or severe. Additionally, when menopause comes before forty and when bone mass has been lost. Parkinsonism, osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, depression, and anxiety are more likely to be suffered if one experiences early menopause and does not use HT till age 45.
Early menopause reduces the probability of developing many kinds of breast cancer. When HT is used for protective purposes by women who experience early menopause, the risks are far less than the dangers. One should discuss with their doctor before getting a prescription for HT because of the complications involved.
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