Jeffrey Donaldson charges

The former DUP leader has said the party will not accept a deal that "forces Northern Ireland to accept laws over which we have no say".
Donaldson was speaking after the UK government published its proposals for a new Brexit deal.
The proposals would see Northern Ireland remain in the EU's single market for goods, but leave the customs union.
Donaldson said the proposals "fall short" of what the DUP could accept.
"We will not accept a deal that forces Northern Ireland to accept laws over which we have no say," he said.
"We will not accept a deal that creates a border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK.
"And we will not accept a deal that undermines the Good Friday Agreement."
Donaldson said the DUP would continue to work with the UK government to find a solution, but said the party would "not compromise" on its red lines.
The UK government's proposals have been welcomed by some, but have been criticized by others.
The EU has said the proposals are "not acceptable" and has called on the UK to withdraw them.
The DUP is the largest unionist party in Northern Ireland. The party is opposed to the Northern Ireland Protocol, which is part of the Brexit deal.
The protocol was designed to prevent a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. However, it has been criticized by some unionists, who say it creates a border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK.
The UK government is trying to renegotiate the protocol with the EU. The government has said it is willing to leave the EU without a deal if it cannot reach an agreement with the EU.