APAM298 Peer Reviews

Lisa Adams 

Story Structure: 5 - Started and ended really smoothly. 

Characterization: 4 - Good character development through dialogue and narration.

Ideas: 5 - Cute and interesting ideas. 

Designing Organization: 5 - Well organized. Good start, interesting climax, good ending. 

Specific Assignment Directions: 4 - Requirements were met, just needs to focus a little more on the perspectives of other characters, e.g: Dad's.

Description: 5 - Great description, I could imagine what was going on while reading the story. 

Word Choice: 4 - Pretty good word choice at the right time of what was happening in the story. 

Sentence Variety: 4

Voice/ Sense of Audience: 4 

Grammar/ Punctuation: 5

Spelling and Word Usage: 5 

Overall assignment presentation: 5 

Total: 55


- The best aspect of this assignment is: Interesting and cute ideas 

- One aspect of this assignment may require further revision is: Focusing more on the perspectives of other characters 

The grade I would give this assignment is: A-


Nicholas Barba 

Story Structure: 4 - Good start, could sense a rough idea on what the story would be like at the introduction. 

Characterization: 4 - Great description of some characters, especially about Andrew.

Ideas: 4 - Pretty interesting idea on the common conflicts that often occur in high school. 

Designing Organization: 4 - Not very smoothly written 

Specific Assignment Directions: 3 - Needs to focus more on the teachers' perspectives, too much on Andrew

Description: 4 

Word Choice: 4

Sentence Variety: 4

Voice/ Sense of Audience: 4 - Included how the other students felt while Andrew and Ricky were fighting

Grammar/ Punctuation: 3

Spelling and Word Usage: 4

Overall assignment presentation: 5

Total: 47


- The best aspect of this assignment is: The idea of the story and description of Andrew

- One aspect of this assignment that may require further revision is: Better sentence structure and focus on teachers' perspectives. 

The grade i would give this assignment is: B+


Erin Griley

Story Structure: 5 - Amazing story written for each and every characters.

Characterization: 4 - Characters were very clear, just needed a little more dialogue to make it seem even more realistic. 

Ideas: 5 - Unique idea 

Designing Organization: 5 - Continued to keep a clear focus throughout the story

Specific Assignment Directions: 5 - Requirements for the assignment was met

Description: 4 - Description of conflict was there, but not for the characters 

Word Choice: 5 - Great word choice

Sentence Variety: 5

Voice/ Sense of Audience: 4

Grammar/ Punctuation: 5

Spelling and Word Usage: 5

Overall assignment presentation: 5

Total: 58


- The best aspect of this assignment is: The unique idea and the presentation of story 

- One aspect of this assignment that may require further revision is: The description and dialogue of characters 

The grade i would give this assignment is: A


Megan Ho

Story Structure: 5 - Good plot and smoothly written

Characterization: 5 - Great character development, very clear. 

Ideas: 5 - Ideas were well developed with many informative details

Designing Organization: 5 - Maintained a coherent structure with the use of transitions

Specific Assignment Directions: 5 - Clearly followed assignment requirements and instructions. 

Description: 5

Word Choice: 5

Sentence Variety: 5

Voice/ Sense of Audience: 5

Grammar/ Punctuation: 5

Spelling and Word Usage: 5

Overall assignment presentation: 4 - Interesting title, but Professor's name is missing. 

Total: 59


- The best aspect of this assignment is: Everything. Dialogue, descriptions, and perspectives of characters were all in. 

- One aspect of this assignment that may require further revision is: Nothing

The grade i would give this assignment is: A