APAM298 Peer Review

Samantha Phelps

Story Structure: 5 - Strong plot, character, and point of views.

Characterization: 4 - Good description of characters by showing their perspectives and telling the reader a little background info about them, but it could have been better with a little more dialogues 

Ideas: 5 - Interesting way of combining the four perspective conflict and race issues and linking it to this irony essay  

Designing Organization: 5 - Coherent essay and maintained a clear focus

Specific Assignment Directions: 5 - Requirements were met

Description: 4 - Great description of characters, would probably be better if settings were described as well 

Word Choice: 5 - Well varied sentence structure throughout the essay 

Sentence Variety: 5

Voice/ Sense of Audience: 5

Grammar/ Punctuation: 5 - No grammatical or puntuation error

Spelling and Word Usage: 5 

Overall assignment presentation: 5 

Total: 58


- The best aspect of this assignment is: How she was able to relate her 4 perspective conflict and race issues to this irony essay 

- One aspect of this assignment may require further revision is: Dialogue

The grade I would give this assignment is: A