APAM298 Peer Reviews

Fannissa Sukir 

Story Structure: 5 - Strong plot, setting and characterization

Characterization: 4 - Good development through detailed description of characters, but lack of dialogue

Ideas: 5 - Cute idea, very disney like 

Designing Organization: 5 - Coherent essay, and smoothly written 

Specific Assignment Directions: 4 - Requirements were met (E.g: Meet cute and randomization), but parable wasn't seen in the essay.

Description: 5 - Great description of setting and character, giving readers an imagination of the story

Word Choice: 5 - Good word choice, no mistake

Sentence Variety: 5

Voice/ Sense of Audience: 5

Grammar/ Punctuation: 5

Spelling and Word Usage: 5 

Overall assignment presentation: 5 

Total: 58


- The best aspect of this assignment is: The interesting idea on how they met, I could feel the "meet cute" in her story. 

- One aspect of this assignment may require further revision is: Parable and dialogue

The grade I would give this assignment is: A


Chefanya Johanes

Story Structure: 3 - More like an expository essay, couldn't feel the creative writing in the story

Characterization: 3 - Lack of dialogue, narration and actions

Ideas: 3 - Idea was somewhat there, but not that clear 

Designing Organization: 3 - Half expository half creative writing 

Specific Assignment Directions: 3 - Did not meet assignment directions, couldnt feel the "meet cute", parable wasn't in the story either

Description: 3 - Lack of description, no feel of what was going on in the story 

Word Choice: 5

Sentence Variety: 5

Voice/ Sense of Audience: 4 

Grammar/ Punctuation: 5

Spelling and Word Usage: 5

Overall assignment presentation: 5

Total: 47


- The best aspect of this assignment is: The idea was there

- One aspect of this assignment that may require further revision is: Needs to make the idea a little more creative through descriptions and dialogues

The grade i would give this assignment is: B