Jerry Savelle: The Man Who Heard From God

Jerry Savelle is a man who has heard from God. He has been preaching the gospel for over 50 years, and during that time, he has seen countless miracles happen. In his book, "Hearing from God," Savelle shares some of his experiences with hearing from God, and he offers practical advice on how you can hear from God too.
One of the most important things that Savelle says about hearing from God is that it's not a matter of luck or chance. It's a matter of faith. If you believe that God wants to speak to you, then He will. Savelle says, "God is not a respecter of persons. He wants to speak to you just as much as He wants to speak to anyone else."
So, if you want to hear from God, the first thing you need to do is believe that He wants to speak to you. Then, you need to create an environment where He can speak to you. This means spending time in prayer, reading the Bible, and listening to what He says.
Savelle says that God often speaks to us through our thoughts. So, it's important to pay attention to your thoughts and see if there are any recurring themes. God may also speak to us through our dreams, through other people, or through circumstances.
The important thing is to be open to hearing from God. If you're willing to listen, He will speak to you.
Savelle's book, "Hearing from God," is a great resource for anyone who wants to learn more about hearing from God. It's full of practical advice and encouragement, and it will help you to open your heart to the voice of God.
I have personally experienced the power of hearing from God. I remember one time when I was going through a difficult time. I was feeling lost and alone, and I didn't know what to do. I prayed to God for guidance, and He spoke to me through a dream.
In the dream, I was walking down a road, and I came to a fork in the road. I didn't know which way to go, and I was feeling scared. Suddenly, I heard a voice say, "This is the way, walk in it."
I woke up from the dream, and I knew that God was telling me to follow the path that He had laid out for me. I didn't know what the future held, but I trusted in God, and I followed the path that He had shown me.
I'm so glad that I listened to God's voice. He led me to a place of peace and happiness. I know that God wants to speak to you too. He wants to lead you to a place of peace and happiness. Are you willing to listen to His voice?
If you're willing to listen, God will speak to you. He will guide you and lead you to a place of peace and happiness.