20 Ideas for Differentiation

20 Idea for Differentiation

1. Demonstrate the lesson by physcially showing the students. Show how to use the equipment, what their footwork should be like, and anyother skills/movements required.

2. Bulletin Board to show the lesson (how to shoot a hoop). Using pictures, graphic organizers, steps, etc. This will help students see how it is done and to always have it in the gym in case I am working with another student. This will help with students who are in ELL or are having a hard time understanding what to do. If they can go to the bulletin board and see what they should look like when shooting a hoop, they might better understand.

3. Drill and practice. Everyday I could invovle jump ropes as a part of their warm-up routine. When they come in everday they will be in-charge of getting their jump rope and going to their assigned square. This can help the students learn to have a routine everday and to teach them to take care of the equipment as they have to go get it and put it back. This can work with all disabilities. It may very on the equipment that they will get but can still have a routine of doing it everday.

4. Assigned questions can help with students who don't take tests well or have a hard time doing assignments on their own. They will be put in groups and will be assigned a question that the group will be responsible of answering. This can help students help other students with disabilities understand what they need to do for their part of the assignment. This can help with their confindence if you can have a student help them and explain to them the question and how they will find the answer and do it together. Partners could work too.

5. Compare and contrast is good to use for seeing the differences and similarties between two things. If I have them compare and contrast throwing a softball overhand and understand they will notice the difference between the movements and be able to explain how they are different.

6. Concepts Maps can be used by creating a visual for the students. Though, it can be the same as pitctues, concepts maps can go deeper by having questions, vocabulary words, pictures, information, and other visual learning ideas.

7. Different Equipment (balls). If I have a students who can't see, I can have the student feel the differetn tectures of balls (football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, soccer ball, etc.) This can also help students realize the different kinds of grips on the balls and learn how to hold them while throwing or kicking them.

8. One-on-one time. This will give students time to do an activity that will give them space and time to do something that is fun for them. This can help students with disabilties do something that fits them more physically and something that they can adapt to more quickly than other activities.

9. Music. Music can help students be more relaxed and to losen up if they are stressing out. This can be used when swithcing activities or lessons. This can be benefit all students.

10. Leaders of the day. Everyday you can have one or two leaders that will learn the warm-ups for the lesson. This can help the one or two student(s) have ownership and/or responsibility. This can also make it fun for the students and to interact with each and every students that gets to be the leader. This can show students with disabilties that they can be in charge and show that other students will listen to what they are teaching or showing.

11. Stations. You could have stations in the classroom that involve crosswords over the lessons vocab words, reading statiions, drawing, etc. You can also have different games in the gym: throwing at a target, shooting hoops, hula-hoops, jump ropes, etc. This will give students the choice to pick what they are most comfortable with and what they can do.

12. Full body workout. This can be a way of testing out over an assignment. You could have each student be assigned a workout (squat, crunches, sit-ups, push-ups, etc.) The student will have to show me how to do it and explain what muscle it is working. This will help all studnets learn different muscles in their body and know how to do different movements. This can work with students with disabilties because it can show them that they can do what other students are doing. Students who have disabilties that prevent them from walking, they can still do upper body movments while sitting or explain to me their favorite movement they like. This could also be used as a self assessment.

13. Feedback is very important when teaching a lesson. This can help students improve on skills that they need to work on. Giving feedback could give you as a teacher an opportunity to teach a different way or explain something differently to them so they can better understand. Because they might be missing a step or not interpreting it the same way as the other students.

14. Reflecting on the lesson. I feel that everday at the end of the day you should reflect and think abou thow the day went. Think about how the students interperted the instrucitons, think about the modificaitons you could make to make the lesson more understanding or more beneficial. You could also think about certain students and write notes on how they are doing the activity and think about how you will better explain to them, maybe show them pictures, or use different objects so they can better understand and perform better.

15. Students can use the site "KidsHealth" to learn about their bodies, nutrition, illnesses, injuries, and more. This can help all students by learning in a way the involves games. This can help them visually see objects and understand how they work.


16. Kidnetic is a site that can help students to learn to eat healthy or to make healthier choices. They give fun menu choices and have different varities. If I have an assignment where students can bring the ingredients (in a list) and they can post it on the bulletin board for others to see. They can see what kind of food was picked most. This can be fun for all students and will help other students learn what others like.


17. Log it is a site that invites all students and parents to record their steps, miles, or kilometers online. This can be fun for all students to see how many points they can get and also invovle a competition between others. All students can participate, except for students who physcially can't walk. Students who can not walk, could do an upper body activity that they could count their reps or time and record it on a class site as well. This will still involve them.

18. Internet4Classrooms is a site where you can read about all different types of sports, exercises, and activities. They can also read the article to you and show your videos. This will be beneficial to all students.


19. ESL Games site is an excellent way for students who are learning english for the second language. The sites helps you to learn new words, how to pronounce them, how to spell them and more. This can be beneficial for all students because all students can have a hard time understanding how to pronounce words and how to correctly write a sentence with correct spelling and gramar.


20. Quizlet is a site where you can create flashcards and share them with others. If a teacher wants to share vocabulary words based on a lesson, they can share them with the students on quizlet but can also post them on a class website. This can help students when they need to see the vocabulary words or they need them spoken back to them. This can help students who learn better visually seeing something written out infront of them.
