Jets Game

Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

Those weren't Superman's questions, though. They were mine, and I was five years old, standing in the stands at the old Shea Stadium, watching the New York Jets play the Miami Dolphins.

  • Of course, I knew that what I was seeing wasn't a bird or a plane. But it might as well have been. To a five-year-old, there's nothing more awe-inspiring than a professional football game.
  • The players are so big and strong, the crowd is so loud, and the action is so fast. It's like being in a different world.
  • I remember being mesmerized by the Jets' quarterback, Joe Namath. He was so cool and confident, and he seemed to be able to throw the ball a mile.
  • I also remember being terrified of the Dolphins' defensive end, Manny Fernandez. He was a huge, mean-looking guy, and I was sure that if he ever got his hands on me, he would crush me like a bug.

Of course, the Jets didn't win that game. But it didn't matter. I was hooked. I had caught the football bug, and I've been a Jets fan ever since.


Over the years, I've seen the Jets have their ups and downs. I've seen them win Super Bowls and I've seen them lose heartbreakers. But through it all, I've never lost my faith. I know that one day, the Jets will be back on top.


So if you're ever looking for me on a Sunday afternoon, you'll probably find me in front of the TV, cheering on the Jets. And if you see me jumping up and down and screaming at the top of my lungs, don't be alarmed. It's just me, living my dream.


Go Jets!