Jimena Longoria

Hi, my name is Jimena and I'm a Cuban actress. Today I'm here to talk about something that we don't often talk about.

You know that feeling when you're sitting in the bathroom crying, and your mascara is running down your face, and you're wondering why you even bother?

Yeah, that's called "feeling like a failure." It's happened to me a lot, it happens to me regularly. It's also part of being a human being.

    We all feel like failures at times.

It's not easy being a human being. We're constantly bombarded with messages telling us that we're not good enough, that we're not doing enough, that we're not smart enough, thin enough, or successful enough. No wonder we sometimes feel like failures!

But here's the thing: failure is not the opposite of success. It's a part of success.

If you're not willing to fail, you're not willing to try. And if you're not willing to try, you'll never succeed. So next time you feel like a failure, remember that you're not alone. We're all in this together.

Here are a few things from my own journey that might help you reframe your thoughts around failure.

  • Failure is not the opposite of success.

  • It's a part of success. When you fail, you learn. And learning is essential for growth. So don't be afraid to fail. Embrace it. It's the only way you'll ever succeed.

  • Everyone fails.

  • Even the most successful people in the world have failed at some point. So don't compare yourself to others. Just focus on your own journey. And remember, everyone is different. Some people fail more than others. That's okay. Just don't give up.

  • Failure is not a reflection of your worth.

  • It's simply a reminder that you're human. And humans make mistakes. So don't beat yourself up if you fail. Just learn from your mistakes and move on.

  • Failure can be a good thing.

  • It can teach you humility, resilience, and perseverance. It can also help you to identify your weaknesses, so that you can work on improving them. So don't be afraid to fail. Embrace it. It's the only way you'll ever succeed.

    I know that feeling like a failure is no fun. But it's important to remember that you're not alone. We all feel like failures at times. Just don't give up on yourself. Keep trying. And eventually, you will succeed.

    Thanks for listening.