Jodel Chelmy: The Man Who Thought He Was a Unicorn
My friend Jodel Chelmy has always been a bit of an oddball. But lately, he's been taking it to a whole new level. He's started dressing up in a unicorn costume and prancing around the park. At first, I thought it was just a phase, but it's been going on for weeks now.
I finally decided to ask him about it, and he gave me the most bizarre explanation. He said that he'd had a dream where he was a unicorn, and that he'd been feeling like a unicorn ever since. I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen. He said that he was tired of being a human, and that he wanted to live his life as a unicorn.
I didn't know what to say, so I just left him alone. But I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for him. He's a good guy, but he's clearly lost his mind.
A few days later, I was walking through the park when I saw Jodel Chelmy again. He was still wearing his unicorn costume, and he was prancing around with a group of children. The children were laughing and having a great time, and Jodel Chelmy seemed to be happy, too.
I watched them for a while, and I realized that Jodel Chelmy wasn't crazy. He was just a guy who was trying to find his own way in the world. He might not be a real unicorn, but he was happy, and that's what mattered.
I walked up to Jodel Chelmy and put my arm around his shoulder. "I'm glad you're happy, Jodel Chelmy," I said. "Even if you're a little bit crazy."
Jodel Chelmy smiled and hugged me back. "Thanks, >friend," he said. "I'm just trying to be myself."
I'm not sure what the future holds for Jodel Chelmy, but I know that he's never going to stop being himself. He's a unicorn, and he's proud of it.