John Setka

The Rise and Fall of a Labor Leader
John Setka was once one of the most powerful union leaders in Australia. As the head of the Victorian branch of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), he was a force to be reckoned with. But in recent years, his career has been marred by controversy and scandal.
Setka was born in Melbourne in 1961. He joined the CFMEU in 1981 and quickly rose through the ranks. In 2008, he was elected Victorian secretary of the union.
Setka was a controversial figure from the start. He was known for his tough negotiating style and his willingness to take on the government and employers. He was also a vocal supporter of the Labor Party.
But Setka's career began to unravel in 2019. He was charged with blackmail and extortion. He was also accused of making sexist and racist comments.
In 2020, Setka was convicted of four charges of blackmail and one charge of extortion. He was sentenced to 22 months in prison.
Setka's conviction was a major blow to the CFMEU. He was a popular figure among many members, and his absence was felt.
The CFMEU has been in turmoil since Setka's conviction. There have been internal divisions and a number of senior officials have resigned.
The future of the CFMEU is uncertain. But one thing is for sure: John Setka's career is over.
Setka's Legacy
John Setka was a complex figure. He was a powerful union leader who fought for the rights of his members. But he was also a controversial figure who made many enemies.
Setka's legacy will be debated for years to come. Some will remember him as a hero who stood up for the working class. Others will remember him as a bully who used his power to intimidate and silence his opponents.
But one thing is for sure: John Setka was a fascinating character who played a major role in Australian history.
The Future of the CFMEU
The CFMEU is at a crossroads. The union is facing a number of challenges, including internal divisions, a decline in membership, and a hostile government.
The union's future will depend on its ability to adapt to these challenges. The CFMEU will need to find a new leader who can unite the union and restore its reputation. The union will also need to find ways to attract new members and appeal to a younger generation of workers.
If the CFMEU can overcome these challenges, it has the potential to remain a powerful force in Australian society. But if the union cannot adapt, it may face an uncertain future.