Johnnathon Yatzyk and The Big Fish

Johnnathon Yatzyk was a curious little boy who loved to go fishing. He would spend hours sitting on the dock, casting his line into the water and waiting for a bite. One day, Johnnathon was fishing when he caught something big. It was so big that he couldn't reel it in!
"Help me!" Johnnathon cried.
Some fishermen nearby heard his cries and came to help. They all pulled together and finally, they managed to reel in the big fish. It was a huge salmon, the biggest fish that Johnnathon had ever seen.
Johnnathon was so proud of his catch. He couldn't wait to tell everyone about it. He ran home and told his mom and dad all about the big fish he had caught. They were just as proud of him as he was of himself.
The next day, Johnnathon took his big fish to school. He showed it to all of his friends and they were all amazed. Johnnathon was the hero of the day.
"How did you catch such a big fish?" his friends asked.
"I just used my special fishing lure," Johnnathon said. "It's a secret recipe that my grandpa gave me."
Johnnathon's friends begged him to tell them what was in his special fishing lure, but he wouldn't tell. He said it was a secret.
Johnnathon continued to fish with his special fishing lure and he caught many more big fish. He became known as the best fisherman in the town.
One day, Johnnathon was fishing when he caught a fish that was even bigger than the salmon he had caught before. It was so big that it almost pulled Johnnathon into the water!
"Help me!" Johnnathon cried.
The fishermen nearby heard his cries and came to help. They all pulled together and finally, they managed to reel in the big fish. It was a huge tuna, the biggest fish that Johnnathon had ever seen.
Johnnathon was so proud of his catch. He couldn't wait to tell everyone about it. He ran home and told his mom and dad all about the big tuna he had caught. They were just as proud of him as he was of himself.
The next day, Johnnathon took his big tuna to school. He showed it to all of his friends and they were all amazed. Johnnathon was the hero of the day again.
"How did you catch such a big fish?" his friends asked.
"I just used my special fishing lure," Johnnathon said. "It's a secret recipe that my grandpa gave me."
Johnnathon's friends begged him to tell them what was in his special fishing lure, but he wouldn't tell. He said it was a secret.
Johnnathon continued to fish with his special fishing lure and he caught many more big fish. He became known as the best fisherman in the town.
One day, Johnnathon decided to enter a fishing tournament. He knew that he had a good chance of winning with his special fishing lure.
The day of the tournament, Johnnathon went out to his favorite fishing spot. He cast his line into the water and waited for a bite. He didn't have to wait long. Within minutes, he had a bite. It was a big one!
Johnnathon fought the fish for over an hour. Finally, he managed to reel it in. It was a huge marlin, the biggest fish that Johnnathon had ever seen.
Johnnathon had won the fishing tournament! He was so proud of himself. He had caught the biggest fish in the tournament and he had won the grand prize.
Johnnathon continued to fish for many years. He caught many more big fish. He became known as the best fisherman in the world.
And all because of his special fishing lure.