Jonathan Cresswell: How to Write an Engaging Article

In the ever-expanding world of online content, capturing and maintaining an audience's attention has become an increasingly daunting task. The relentless barrage of information bombarding us daily can make it challenging to stand out from the noise. However, there is a solution—crafting compelling articles that resonate with readers on a human level.
Tell a Story
People connect with stories. Whether it's a personal anecdote, a historical tale, or a fictional narrative, storytelling has the power to transport readers to another world, evoke emotions, and create lasting impressions. By incorporating storytelling elements into your articles, you can make your content more engaging and memorable.
Be Conversational
Imagine you're having a chat with a friend over coffee or on a park bench. Your tone should be friendly, approachable, and free of jargon. Write as you speak, using natural language and avoiding overly formal or technical terms. This conversational approach will help you build a rapport with your readers and make your articles feel more personal and relatable.
Use Humor and Wit
A touch of humor or wit can go a long way in breaking the ice and making your articles more enjoyable to read. Don't be afraid to show your personality and share your unique perspective with your audience. Remember, laughter is contagious, and it can help your readers connect with your message on a deeper level.
Consider Different Perspectives
No one has a monopoly on the truth. When writing an article, strive to present a nuanced and balanced perspective, considering different viewpoints and opinions. This will make your articles more credible and thought-provoking, as readers will appreciate the effort you've made to avoid bias and present a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
Evoke Sensory Experiences
The world around us is a symphony of sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures. When writing an article, don't rely solely on abstract concepts or technical jargon. Instead, tap into your senses and paint a vivid picture for your readers. Use sensory language to create an immersive reading experience that will transport them to the heart of your story.
Call to Action
Once you've engaged your readers and presented your message, conclude your article with a call to action or reflective conclusion. Ask your readers to share their thoughts, take a specific action, or consider a new perspective. This will make your articles more interactive and encourage your audience to engage with you on a deeper level.
Embrace Your Uniqueness
You have a unique voice—use it! Avoid imitating other writers or trying to fit into a mold. Your authenticity and originality are what will set you apart from the crowd. Embrace your quirks, share your passions, and write in a style that's true to you. Your readers will appreciate your honesty and connect with your message on a more personal level.