Jonathan Diller, the young man who sent a shit to the prime minister

Sometimes we want to let off steam, and this is what happened to Jonathan Diller, a young Londoner, who took his claim to the postal service by sending an unusual package to the UK Prime Minister.
It all started back in November 2021 when Jonathan, a young entrepreneur, published a tweet that sparked a lot of controversy, in which he expressed his discontent with the government's decisions regarding the pandemic.
The message quickly went viral, reaching thousands of retweets and likes, but it also caught the attention of a government official who contacted Jonathan to ask for his personal data. This request seemed somewhat suspicious to him, so he decided to ignore it.
A few days passed, and Jonathan received a letter at his home, this time from the postal service, informing him of a package he had to pick up. When he went to collect it, he was surprised to find a strange package wrapped in brown paper and sealed with duct tape.
Curiosity got the better of him, so he decided to open it there. To his astonishment, inside was a human turd wrapped in newspaper. Although somewhat shocked by the content of the package, he decided to take the joke with humor and publish it on his social networks.
His tweet quickly went viral, reaching more than 10,000 retweets and 20,000 likes. But this time, the story took an unexpected turn when the British Prime Minister himself responded to it by saying: "I'm sorry to hear that you're not happy with the government's decisions. However, I think you're taking things a bit too far."
Jonathan's response was epic: "I just wanted to let off some steam, Prime Minister. I didn't think things would end up like this."
The story of the young man who sent a turd to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has been widely reported in the media, and has even been featured in some comedy shows. It's a story that shows that sometimes, you just need to let off steam.