Multiple Regression Report

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Dependent              PU


Descriptive Statistics Section


Variable                       Count               Mean                Deviation          Minimum         Maximum

AREA                           22                     435,6046           501,1077           35,64                2443,53

FECHA                         22                     40365,09           77,02684           40280               40506

PU                                22                     361,5627           630,9844           12,99                2352,94



Correlation Matrix Section


                              AREA               FECHA             PU

AREA                   1,000000          -0,017307          -0,324884

FECHA                -0,017307           1,000000           0,508063

PU                       -0,324884           0,508063           1,000000


Regression Equation Section

Independent                 Regression       Standard          T-Value          Prob             Decision       Power

Variable                       Coefficient        Error                (Ho: B=0)       Level            (5,0%)           (5,0%)

Intercept                       -165652,1          60789,38           -2,7250           0,013443       Reject Ho      0,734123

AREA                           -0,3981349        0,2314829         -1,7199           0,101692       Accept Ho     0,372069

FECHA                         4,1171              1,505941            2,7339           0,013187       Reject Ho      0,736876

R-Squared                    0,358072



-165652.1-.3981349*AREA+ 4.1171*FECHA


Regression Coefficient Section

Independent                 Regression       Standard          Lower               Upper               Standardized

Variable                       Coefficient        Error                95,0% C.L.        95,0% C.L.        Coefficient

Intercept                       -165652,1          60789,38           -292885,8          -38418,47           0,0000

AREA                           -0,3981349        0,2314829         -0,8826342        8,636447E-02    -0,3162

FECHA                         4,1171              1,505941           0,9651288         7,269071            0,5026

T-Critical                       2,093024


Analysis of Variance Section

                                          Sum of             Mean                                          Prob                 Power

Source                   DF        Squares           Square                F-Ratio             Level                (5,0%)

Intercept                 1          2876007            2876007

Model                     2          2993829            1496915              5,2992              0,014829           0,462289

Error                       19         5367140            282481,1

Total(Adjusted)        21         8360969            398141,4


Root Mean Square Error      531,4894           R-Squared           0,3581

Mean of Dependent             361,5627           Adj R-Squared     0,2905

Coefficient of Variation        1,469979           Press Value         1,710526E+07

Sum |Press Residuals|         11233,45           Press R-Squared -1,0458


                                                                     Multiple Regression Report

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Dependent              PU


Normality Tests Section

Assumption                 Value                           Probability                   Decision(5%)

Skewness                     2,3388                          0,019348                       Rejected

Kurtosis                        1,8496                          0,064365                       Accepted

Omnibus                       8,8910                          0,011731                       Rejected


Serial-Correlation Section

Lag      Correlation             Lag      Correlation             Lag      Correlation

1         -0,178600                 9          0,041696                 17       0,002103

2         -0,238945                 10        0,064116                 18       0,001393

3          0,104739                 11        0,029363                 19        

4         -0,298876                 12       -0,002038                 20        

5          0,115535                 13       -0,030762                 21        

6          0,035287                 14       -0,063100                 22        

7         -0,169921                 15       -0,021194                 23        

8          0,087269                 16       -0,010301                 24        

Above serial correlations significant if their absolute values are greater than 0,426401

Durbin-Watson Value                      2,2295


R-Squared Section

Independent                 Cumulative       Incremental      Incremental                              Partial

Variable                       Sequential        Sequential        Last                  Simple             (Adj. for Rest)

AREA                           0,105550           0,105550           0,099944           0,105550           0,134718

FECHA                         0,358072           0,252522           0,252522           0,258128           0,282321


Variable Omission Section

Independent                 R-Squared        MSE                 Mallow's Cp     Prob                 R-Squared

Variable                       When Omitted  When Omitted  When Omitted  Level                Vs Other X's

Full Model                     0,358072           282481,1                                                          

AREA                           0,258128           310138,3           3,958166           0,101692           0,000300

FECHA                         0,105550           373923,5           8,474236           0,013187           0,000300


Sum of Squares and Correlation Section

Independent                 Sequential        Incremental      Last                  Simple             Partial

Variable                       Sum Squares   Sum Squares   Sum Squares   Correlation       Correlation

AREA                           882499,1           882499,1           835625,8           -0,324884          -0,367040

FECHA                         2993829            2111330            2111330            0,508063           0,531339


Sequential Models Section

Independent                 Included        Omitted       Included      Included     Omitted      Omitted

Variable                       R-Squared     R-Squared   F-Ratio        Prob>F       F-Ratio       Prob>F

AREA                           0,105550        0,252522        2,36           0,140144       7,47          0,013187

FECHA                         0,358072        0,000000        5,30           0,014829                      


1. INCLUDED variables are those listed from current row up (includes current row).

2. OMITTED variables are those listed below (but not including) this row.


                                                                     Multiple Regression Report

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Dependent              PU


Predicted Values with Confidence Limits of Means

                                                            Std Error          95,0% LCL        95,0% UCL

Row     Actual              Predicted         of Predicted     of Mean            of Mean

1          181,82              97,07466           178,809             -277,1768          471,3261

2          268,68              121,2843           168,8439           -232,11             474,6787

3          20                     -81,00003          176,9803           -451,424            289,4239

4          131,58              118,4929           154,5998           -205,0881          442,0739

5          83,33                179,6882           155,1331           -145,0092          504,3855

6          83,33                179,6882           155,1331           -145,0092          504,3855

7          177,78              226,8312           147,4583           -81,80257          535,4649

8          105,04              221,6554           146,4625           -84,8941            528,205

9          165,29              220,0629           146,1672           -85,86858          525,9943

10         30,61                293,8627           156,8845           -34,50039          622,2258

11         222,22              247,4167           143,4709           -52,87146          547,7048

12         137,25              171,0021           128,713             -98,39732          440,4016

13         16,37                -574,101            480,1678           -1579,104          430,9017

14         1091,74             510,5995           138,5551           220,6004           800,5985

15         17,86                571,0396           150,794             255,4241           886,655

16         75,26                554,1928           163,1046           212,8109           895,5747

17         22,22                595,2448           174,9947           228,9767           961,5128

18         12,99                557,4219           183,4002           173,5609           941,2829

19         2352,94             899,6827           201,6045           477,7196           1321,646

20         41,32                786,5673           198,5859           370,9223           1202,212

21         841,75              1006,246           228,8493           527,259             1485,233

22         1875                 1051,427           247,933             532,4976           1570,357

23                                 1574,842           427,4513           680,1762           2469,508


                                                                     Multiple Regression Report

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Dependent              PU


Predicted Values with Confidence Limits of Individuals

                                                            Std Error          95,0% LCL        95,0% UCL

Row     Actual              Predicted         of Predicted     of Individual     of Individual

1          181,82              97,07466           560,7617           -1076,613          1270,762

2          268,68              121,2843           557,6642           -1045,92            1288,489

3          20                     -81,00003          560,1813           -1253,473          1091,473

4          131,58              118,4929           553,5179           -1040,034          1277,019

5          83,33                179,6882           553,6672           -979,1506          1338,527

6          83,33                179,6882           553,6672           -979,1506          1338,527

7          177,78              226,8312           551,566             -927,6096          1381,272

8          105,04              221,6554           551,3005           -932,2299          1375,541

9          165,29              220,0629           551,2222           -933,6584          1373,784

10         30,61                293,8627           554,1605           -866,0084          1453,734

11         222,22              247,4167           550,5134           -904,821            1399,654

12         137,25              171,0021           546,8529           -973,5742          1315,578

13         16,37                -574,101            716,2696           -2073,271          925,0685

14         1091,74             510,5995           549,2527           -638,9997          1660,199

15         17,86                571,0396           552,4671           -585,2874          1727,366

16         75,26                554,1928           555,9534           -609,431            1717,817

17         22,22                595,2448           559,5571           -575,9218          1766,411

18         12,99                557,4219           562,2426           -619,3652          1734,209

19         2352,94             899,6827           568,4412           -290,0785          2089,444

20         41,32                786,5673           567,3777           -400,9678          1974,102

21         841,75              1006,246           578,6649           -204,9135          2217,406

22         1875                 1051,427           586,4741           -176,077            2278,932

23                                 1574,842           682,0525           147,2896           3002,394


                                                                     Multiple Regression Report

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Dependent              PU


Residual Report


Row     Actual              Predicted         Residual           Error                MSEi

1          181,82              97,07466           84,74534            46,61               297724,5

2          268,68              121,2843           147,3957            54,86               296832

3          20                     -81,00003          101                  505,00               297537

4          131,58              118,4929           13,0871                9,95               298164,1

5          83,33                179,6882           -96,35815         115,63               297610,6

6          83,33                179,6882           -96,35815         115,63               297610,6

7          177,78              226,8312           -49,05118           27,59               298029,6

8          105,04              221,6554           -116,6154         111,02               297356,8

9          165,29              220,0629           -54,77288           33,14               297994,1

10         30,61                293,8627           -263,2527         860,02               293956,8

11         222,22              247,4167           -25,19667           11,34               298136,4

12         137,25              171,0021           -33,75213           24,59               298107,2

13         16,37                -574,101            590,471          3607,03               192789,2

14         1091,74             510,5995           581,1405            53,23               278043,9

15         17,86                571,0396           -553,1796        3097,31               279685,8

16         75,26                554,1928           -478,9328         636,37               284106,4

17         22,22                595,2448           -573,0247        2578,87               277714,3

18         12,99                557,4219           -544,4319        4191,16               279481,7

19         2352,94             899,6827           1453,257            61,76               161124,3

20         41,32                786,5673           -745,2473        1803,60               262312,7

21         841,75              1006,246           -164,496             19,54               296329

22         1875                 1051,427           823,5727            43,92               250012

23                                 1574,842                                                          


                                                                     Multiple Regression Report

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Dependent              PU


Regression Diagnostics Section

            Studentized                              Hat

Row     Residual           Rstudent          Diagonal          Cook's D          Dffits                Covratio

1           0,169319           0,164927           0,113185           0,001220           0,058921           1,320210

2           0,292477           0,285319           0,100921           0,003201           0,095592           1,290525

3           0,201533           0,196368           0,110882           0,001688           0,069346           1,314304

4           0,025736           0,025050           0,084611           0,000020           0,007616           1,284672

5          -0,189553          -0,184672           0,085196           0,001115          -0,056357           1,278348

6          -0,189553          -0,184672           0,085196           0,001115          -0,056357           1,278348

7          -0,096061          -0,093522           0,076975           0,000257          -0,027007           1,272321

8          -0,228250          -0,222468           0,075939           0,001427          -0,063775           1,262307

9          -0,107189          -0,104361           0,075633           0,000313          -0,029852           1,270020

10        -0,518411          -0,508191           0,087131           0,008550          -0,157003           1,234452

11        -0,049235          -0,047925           0,072868           0,000064          -0,013436           1,268048

12        -0,065453          -0,063715           0,058648           0,000089          -0,015903           1,248526

13         2,591382           3,136786           0,816200           9,940167           6,610142           1,729559

14         1,132581           1,141582           0,067960           0,031177           0,308260           1,023146

15        -1,085413          -1,090823           0,080497           0,034379          -0,322751           1,055577

16        -0,946800          -0,944088           0,094177           0,031067          -0,304412           1,123134

17        -1,141815          -1,151572           0,108408           0,052840          -0,401549           1,065763

18        -1,091387          -1,097228           0,119072           0,053667          -0,403396           1,099389

19         2,955163           3,912872           0,143884           0,489238           1,604112           0,216761

20        -1,511671          -1,568709           0,139607           0,123596          -0,631899           0,930664

21        -0,342917          -0,334808           0,185400           0,008921          -0,159727           1,417132

22         1,751845           1,862130           0,217610           0,284529           0,982060           0,886118

23                                                         0,646821                                                            


Multicollinearity Section

Independent                 Variance           R-Squared                                Diagonal of

Variable                       Inflation           Vs Other X's     Tolerance         X'X Inverse

AREA                             1,000300          0,000300           0,999700          1,896918E-07

FECHA                           1,000300          0,000300           0,999700          8,028356E-06



Eigenvalues of Centered Correlations


                                    Incremental      Cumulative       Condition

No.       Eigenvalue       Percent            Percent            Number

1            1,017307          50,87                50,87                  1,00

2            0,982693          49,13              100,00                  1,04

All Condition Numbers less than 100. Multicollinearity is NOT a problem.


Eigenvector Percent of Regression-Coefficent-Variance using Centered Correlations


No.       Eigenvalue                      AREA             FECHA

1            1,017307                         49,13                49,13

2            0,982693                         50,87                50,87

                                                                     Multiple Regression Report

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Dependent              PU



Eigenvalues of Uncentered Correlations


                                    Incremental      Cumulative       Condition

No.       Eigenvalue       Percent            Percent            Number

1            2,564738          85,49                85,49                  1,00

2            0,435261          14,51              100,00                  5,89

3            0,000002            0,00              100,00       1476209,57

Some Condition Numbers greater than 1000. Multicollinearity is a SEVERE problem.


Eigenvector Percent of Regression-Coefficent-Variance using Uncentered Correlations


No.       Eigenvalue                      AREA             FECHA           Intercept

1            2,564738                           5,77                  0,00                  0,00

2            0,435261                         94,20                  0,00                  0,00

3            0,000002                           0,03              100,00              100,00




Row     AREA               FECHA             Intercept

1          -0,0172             -0,0425              0,0426

2          -0,0265             -0,0662              0,0663

3           0,0277             -0,0450              0,0450

4          -0,0012             -0,0051              0,0051

5           0,0170              0,0348             -0,0349

6           0,0170              0,0348             -0,0349

7           0,0092              0,0148             -0,0149

8           0,0205              0,0352             -0,0353

9           0,0094              0,0165             -0,0165

10         0,0795              0,0753             -0,0757

11         0,0047              0,0069             -0,0069

12        -0,0020              0,0072             -0,0073

13         6,3867             -0,5753              0,5676

14        -0,1771              0,0067             -0,0059

15        -0,0651             -0,2038              0,2035

16        -0,1022             -0,1954              0,1952

17        -0,1319             -0,2783              0,2781

18        -0,1748             -0,2676              0,2675

19        -0,5466              1,1993             -1,1967

20        -0,0446             -0,5177              0,5171

21         0,0625             -0,1228              0,1226

22        -0,2382              0,8362             -0,8349


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Dependent              PU


Plots Section





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Dependent              PU