Julie Goodyear: A Star Behind the Soapsuds!

"Oh, Ena Sharples, you old cow!"

The battle-axe landlady of Coronation Street made Julie Goodyear a household name. But there's much more to this actress than just a pot-stirring barmaid.

Growing Up in Lancashire

Julie was born in Accrington, Lancashire, in 1945, and her childhood was as colorful as the soaps she'd later star in.

"My dad was a bit of a character," she once said. "He used to take us to the pub on a Sunday and buy us a pint of Guinness. I was only seven!"

Julie's passion for performing shone through from an early age. "I'd dress up in my mom's clothes and put on plays for the neighbors," she recalled. "I even used to write my own soaps, complete with catfights and affairs!"

From Butlins to the Cobbles

After leaving school, Julie worked as a waitress and cabaret singer in working men's clubs. Her big break came when she joined the Butlins holiday camp in the 1960s.

"Butlins was a bit like the Wild West," she said. "I had to learn to sing, dance, and do comedy, all in the same night. It was tough, but it taught me a lot."

In 1979, Julie finally got her chance to join Coronation Street as the fiery Ena Sharples. "I didn't know what I was letting myself in for," she admitted. "Ena was such a popular character, I was petrified."

A Soap Legend

But Julie soon made her mark, and Ena Sharples became one of the most iconic characters in soap history. "She was a bit of a bully," Julie said, "but she had a good heart underneath it all."

Julie played Ena for 21 years, and during that time she shared the screen with some of the biggest names in British television. "I loved working with Bill Roache (Ken Barlow)," she said. "He's just a lovely man, and we always had such a laugh together."

Life After Corrie

Julie left Coronation Street in 1995, and has since appeared in a variety of roles, from stage musicals to pantomimes. She's also become a successful novelist, and her books have been praised for their warmth and humor.

"I'm so grateful for everything my career has given me," she said. "But most of all, I'm proud of the fact that I've made people laugh and cry. That's what being an actress is all about."

Julie Goodyear is a true icon of British television, and her legacy will continue to entertain generations to come.