
When freedom came in the name of June

Here's an untold story, a tale of a day we celebrate,
A day that echoes in our hearts, a day we commemorate.
Juneteenth, a day that stands so tall,
A day that freed a people from slavery's thrall.
I remember it like it was yesterday, the sun shining bright,
The faces of those who had waited their whole lives filled with light.
The air was thick with hope and anticipation,
As word spread that freedom had come to this great nation.
June 19, 1865, the day the chains finally broke,
The day that changed the course of history, of us it bespoke.
A day that marked the end of a dark chapter,
And the beginning of a new era, one that was much brighter.
It's hard to imagine what they must have felt,
Their hearts filled with joy as the shackles of slavery melted.
They had endured so much, so much pain,
But on that day, they rejoiced as freedom's reign began.
Juneteenth is not just a holiday; it's a symbol of hope,
A reminder that even in the darkest of times, freedom can elope.
It's a day to celebrate the strength and resilience of a people,
A day to reflect on the past and to dream of a future full of equality.
So let us raise a glass to Juneteenth,
To the day that set a nation free,
To the day that gave hope to the weary,
And to the day that continues to inspire us today.
Because Juneteenth is not just a day, it's a reminder,
That freedom is something we must strive for, day by day.
It's a reminder that we are all connected,
And that together, we can overcome any obstacle that gets in our way.
Happy Juneteenth, my friends,
Let us celebrate this day with joy and pride,
Let us come together and let our voices be heard,
As we continue the fight for freedom,
And for a world where all are truly equal.