Just Lean Back Convertible Furniture

Business Address:
12 E James St, Richfield Springs, New York 13439

Business Phone:
(315) 717-6435

Business Website:

Business E-Mail Address:
[email protected]

Business Category:
Furniture maker

Just Lean Back Convertible Furniture designs and builds the best sofa beds and chair beds in the world.

They are just as versatile outdoors as they are inside. Their unique design features hidden wheels and the "flip bar" mechanism for easy mobility, simple conversion, and "just lean back" comfort. Solid hardwood frames are reliable and stable yet lightweight.

Business Target Location:
United States, Los Angeles, CA, USA, New York, NY, USA, Miami, FL, USA, Tacoma, WA, USA, Chicago, IL, USA, Houston, TX, USA, Phoenix, AZ, USA, &Philadelphia, PA, USA