The last ten minutes of the evening

You've done the starter, the Bible bit and the discussion. What's left? Just a chance for our guests to think through for themselves: what have I found out tonight? How much of this stuff do I believe? Where do I still have questions? Do I want to come back next time?

So we take ten minutes, just before we finish, to let people read through some stuff, and fill in a little reaction card, all on their own.

The stuff to read through  We'll ask them to look at the "Take it further" column, which suggests a few ways in which they can find out more, and read through "Fact file" - which gives them a bit more background on what they've just been talking about. And we'll also ask them to fill in the "Over to you" reaction sheet, stressing that this is just for them: nobody else need ever see what they've written here; it just gives them a chance to put their thoughts in order, and decide what they think about tonight's topic.

Then they can also fill in the Reply Card, on which they can ask for help, resources, further information, or a chat, depending on what they'd like. But this is entirely optional and they needn't ask for anything if they don't want to.



We'll probably go back into one big group at this point, and we'll need one group member (could be the same each week - could be somebody different each time) to explain Take it Further, Fact File, Over to You, and the Reaction card. This isn't a difficult job; we could even automate it by putting it on video and playing the same explanation each week. But that might get a bit samey - like an airline safety announcement - nobody might be listening after Week Three...


