Frankenstein's creation

      Many disagree on the topic of whether Frankenstein's creation should be destroyed or be able to live. I personally think that Frankenstein's creation should be able to live. He never meant to hurt anyone and I believe he was only ever trying to help or play with the people he hurt. 


      Frankenstein's creation  was only ever trying to help or be nice when he hurt or scared people. When he threw Maria into the water they were throwing flowers into the water. When there were no more flowers left he wanted to have more fun with Maria so he thought it was a good idea to throw her in the water. When he realized what he did wrong, he got scared and ran away from the water. He didn't know that Maria would drown, he just thought it would be fun and it would make her laugh. Also when he killed Fritz, he was being messed with so he attacked Fritz for messing with him. It wasn't his fault that he was being messed with and it's not like he could say anything. Everyone he killed or hurt he was either trying to play with them or they were hurting, messing or confusing him.


     Frankenstein's creation