Information You Need To Know About Externally Applied Colloidal Silver

Silver has been used for medical purposes since Hippocrates' time in the fourth century B. C. It is reported to be a powerful natural antibiotic. In the first half of the 20th century, our grandparents would stick a silver dollar into a bottle of milk to keep it fresh at room temperature. Today, colloidal silver is put into antibacterial creams, urinary catheters, endotracheal tubes, dressings and x-rays. Its use is limited to topical application and there are as yet no oral preparations on the market. However, regulations do permit it to be added to water as a disinfectant, so it is considered safe for human ingestion. Prolonged internal use can result in discoloration of the skin.
Its use as an antimicrobial is appreciated on the battlefield, where it was used as far back as the Civil War and in World War I. The U. S. Food and Drug Administration has approved its use as a lining for breathing tubes. Widely used in industry, it is added to medical instruments, bandages and other types of wound dressing.
Because of the resurgence in popularity of this product, the scientific community has stepped up to evaluate its safety and effectiveness. The National Institutes of Health clinical trials database currently lists a study that is looking at its use in people with chronic recalcitrant rhinosinusitis, an irritation of the lining of the sinuses. Also, in 2012, an international panel got together to examine the safety of nanosilver in human use.
A colloid is a homogeneous, non-crystalline suspension of microscopic particles that are evenly distributed in another substance. Particles range in size between 1 and 1,000 nanometers; a nanometer is one millionth of a micrometer. There are different types of colloids, including emulsions, gels and sols. Unlike a solution or a suspension, the particles cannot be separated from the substance in which it is distributed.
Colloidal nanosilver disables an oxygen-metabolizing enzyme found in fungi, bacteria and viruses. Within minutes of exposure, the microbial organism dies. The dead microbes are engulfed by the immune system, cleared by the lymphatic system and ultimately eliminated.
Antibiotic drugs manufactured by pharmaceutical companies often have damaging side effects on humans and other multicellular organisms. The mineral attacks a microbial enzyme not present in animals. It has also been shown that some microorganisms can mutate into drug-resistant strains. This does not occur in response to mineral preparations.
You may have heard of people in the privileged classes being referred to as "blue bloods." One reason for this is their use of silver utensils has been observed to protect them against microbial infections. The blue blood reference comes from the tinge that develops on their skin. Silver chalices are used in churches to prevent infections spreading amongst the congregation during communion.
The preparation is commercially available as a spray, lotion, gel or other form of topical medium. You can also find it combined with other natural products, such as calendular or coconut oil. If you want to assure a continuous supply of the material, you can purchase ingredients and a machine to manufacture your own product at home.
This web page has up-to-the-minute info about the benefits of pure colloidal silver that people need to know about. To learn more, visit the relevant website on right now.