Kaori Fuchi Advisors Client Testimonials

Katsuya Watanabe, Partner and Tax Accountant, Tax Gym Watanabe Katsuya Accounting Office. Manages own accounting office, works as tax accountant who does more tax review than a tax inspector. Ms. Fuchi has helped me with cases such as a soccer player’s international tax consulting, corporation’s international tax consulting, and incorporation of a company in foreign country. She exchanges information with accounting firms in Asian locations such as Hong Kong, and I admire how up to date she is in various matters. She had a career in a major tax firm and her work is very thorough – I imagine all the clients are satisfied with her work.

Yoko Mashima, Representative Notary Public, Mashima Notary Public Office. Manages notary public office specialized on handling foreigners’ affairs. Ms. Fuchi is very dynamic, participating in variety of activities and is expanding her scope to overseas. She is also full of ideas, and extremely fast in turning those ideas into reality. So working with her is very stimulating. Most of my clients are from overseas, and even in the present environment where a tax accountant who can properly explain to client in English is scarce, I can introduce Ms. Fuchi to my client with sense of confidence.


Katsuya Watanabe, Partner and Tax Accountant, Tax Gym Watanabe Katsuya Accounting Office. Manages own accounting office, works as tax accountant who does more tax review than a tax inspector. Ms. Fuchi has helped me with cases such as a soccer player’s international tax consulting, corporation’s international tax consulting, and incorporation of a company in foreign country. She exchanges information with accounting firms in Asian locations such as Hong Kong, and I admire how up to date she is in various matters. She had a career in a major tax firm and her work is very thorough – I imagine all the clients are satisfied with her work.

Yoko Mashima, Representative Notary Public, Mashima Notary Public Office. Manages notary public office specialized on handling foreigners’ affairs. Ms. Fuchi is very dynamic, participating in variety of activities and is expanding her scope to overseas. She is also full of ideas, and extremely fast in turning those ideas into reality. So working with her is very stimulating. Most of my clients are from overseas, and even in the present environment where a tax accountant who can properly explain to client in English is scarce, I can introduce Ms. Fuchi to my client with sense of confidence.

Ayano Morimoto, Representative Judicial Scrivener, M.D. Law Office. Provides legal service across boarders. People might have image of a tax accountant as a difficult person, but Ms. Fuchi is always cheerful; I have never seen her in a bad mood. It is not hard to imagine that clients find it easy to ask for help from her. As our office cater to foreign companies and foreigners living in Japan, it is great to have Ms. Fuchi who can cheerfully answer questions on international taxation system and questions asked in English, so we rely on her a lot.

Miyuki Tsuboi, Certified Social Insurance and Labor Consultant, Representative Director, HR Advisory Services. Among the many companies that claims to be “supporting global business”, I felt Ms. Fuchi’s tax and consulting was the one with the most guts and that I could cooperate with her in business immediately. Soon after our encounter, I had a case where Ms. Fuchi assisted as an emergency help. The first meeting with a Spanish company that has launched its renewable energy business in Japan recently and knew nothing about Japan took over four hours, but Ms. Fuchi was flexible in her handling of the meeting, and explained about the Japanese taxation system very patiently.