Keeping the Passion Alive by Southbourne Surf Life Saving Group

In a general perspective, the concept of volunteering refers to providing service by free will for the benefit of the community without expecting any financial gain. The heart of volunteerism is so well and alive that it was recognized by government sectors all over the world for their excellent contribution in building and developing a safe and unified community.

Volunteerism is kept alive by dedicated organizations committed in providing community assistance in livelihood development, social integration, informal education and emergency services. Joining volunteering works isn’t just something good that people can do to make them feel great. It actually has an enormous impact on the health and wellness of a community.

You can get involved in many different volunteer opportunities in your community. For instance, you could become a volunteer to help and save a life. Having knowledge in lifesaving can be very beneficial during emergency situations. There are volunteer clubs who train even those who have no or little knowledge in lifesaving so they could use it to respond to sudden life threatening situations.

Southbourne Surf Life Saving Club is one of the clubs who protects and save lives by being a volunteer life saver in beaches of Southbourne community. The organization was established on 1986 and a member of Surf Life Saving of Great Britain (SLSGB). Their clubs are well-staffed particularly in Young Life Savers section. This is why they incorporate fun and make all their activities enjoyable along with the seriousness of instructing every member.

It is good to know that many youth and adults have the interest to learn lifesaving knowledge and skills in order to help save other lives. Volunteering is really one of the most rewarding things anyone can do.

About Surf Life Saving GB

SLSGB volunteers have been providing beach lifeguard training and patrolling the coast for more than 55 years. They train their members in beach education, lifesaving, rescue and fitness skills. Moreover, it is the awarding body for the highest standard of Beach Lifeguard Qualification in the country, and is the National Governing Body for Life Saving Sport. There are over 80 Surf Life Saving Clubs (SSLSC is one of them) and 5,000 individuals who are affiliated to SLSGB and it keeps on growing each year.