Keijuan Bertlein's Crazy Adventure: The Day He Woke Up as a Chicken

Have you ever woken up in the morning feeling a little... peculiar? For Keijuan Bertlein, this wasn't just a feeling—it was his new reality.

Imagine Keijuan's surprise when he glanced in the mirror and saw a feathered face staring back at him. "Wait, where did I put my glasses?" he exclaimed. But to his dismay, the fluff around his beak didn't allow for glasses. Instead, he could only squawk in confusion.

As he stumbled out of bed, his legs felt like they were made of poultry. Instead of feet, he had talons. Talons, for goodness' sake! Keijuan couldn't help but burst into a fit of clucks and cackles.

His once-orderly apartment had transformed into a coop. The couch was now a nesting spot, and the refrigerator held a stash of corn kernels instead of groceries.

Keijuan's baffled parents, who had been calmly making coffee downstairs, were equally shocked. "Keijuan, are you... a chicken?" his mother asked, her voice trembling.

With a sheepish squawk, Keijuan nodded. His parents stared in disbelief.
"This is the strangest thing that's ever happened to our family," his father remarked.

Keijuan spent the rest of the day exploring his new feathered existence. He pecked at his phone screen, sending gibberish texts to his friends. He even tried to lay an egg in the bathroom sink, with... less than successful results.

As evening approached, the realization hit Keijuan: he didn't know how to turn back. Panic set in as he envisioned spending the rest of his life as a clucking, egg-laying chicken.

Desperation fueling his determination, Keijuan consulted the vast wisdom of the internet. He stumbled upon a peculiar article claiming a certain ancient rite could restore human form. Armed with a flashlight and a candle, he ventured to his backyard, determined to perform the ritual.

Keijuan drew a mystical circle on the ground and placed a crystal ball in the center. As he lit the candle and chanted the incantation, a faint glow enveloped him.

Suddenly, with a squawk and a flash, Keijuan Bertlein was back in human form. He couldn't believe his eyes—or his lack of feathers.

As he quickly changed into a bathrobe, Keijuan couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Who would have thought that an ordinary morning could turn into an extraordinary adventure as a chicken?

To this day, Keijuan Bertlein tells the tale of the day he woke up as a chicken, reminding everyone that life can sometimes throw you a few fowl surprises. But hey, at least he had a clucking good time!