Things you should know about Ketamine Therapy

Ketamine is a medication that can be used in clinical settings for pain relief, sedation and anesthesia. It has been the subject of recent research by medical professionals who are looking into how it may help with depression during treatment. One study found that those who were given Ketamine as part of their therapy showed greater reductions in symptoms of depression than those who weren't given ketamine. The benefits seem to last longer too - up to two weeks after the infusions had ended. Other studies have also shown promising results but more research is needed before this drug can be considered safe and effective for treatment-resistant depression.

What is Ketamine Therapy? What are the benefits of using it?

Ketamine therapy is currently being used for patients who suffer from clinical depression, PTSD and other mood disorders where the patient is resistant to traditional therapies. Some of ketamine's benefits are that it can act quickly, often within 2 hours of treatment which sets it apart from other antidepressant treatments like SSRi's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). It also doesn't negatively interact with other medications that a patient may be taking, nor does it have any sort of somatic effects or movement disorder that some traditional treatments may cause. It has been found to be an effective therapy for patients with treatment-resistant depression, bipolar disorder and chronic PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).

Ketamine is often called the most important discovery in half-a-century. It has been found to be an extremely effective treatment for depression, specifically for those patients who have not had success with other treatments like SSRi's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), MAOI's (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) and tricyclic antidepressants. Ketamine infusions several times a week can provide relief where traditional therapies fail.

The treatment of mental illness has evolved dramatically over the last century. Treatment options like psychotherapy, medications and ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) have greatly improved the lives of those who suffer from depression, bipolar disorder or PTSD. Ketamine can be added to that list as another useful tool in treating these conditions.

Traditional therapies for mental health disorders generally target neurotransmitters like serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine to alleviate symptoms of depression. Medications attempt to alter levels of these chemicals but are often not specific enough to provide complete relief for all symptoms or even any single symptom. It may take many medications, each one targeting a different aspect of depression to achieve significant improvement over time The use of Ketamine provides almost immediate relief from symptoms of depression, is very effective in treating suicidal ideation and reduces the resistance to other treatments associated with these disorders.

There are many different options for people who want to explore medical therapies. The Ketamine Therapy at Healthy Me Medical Therapies is an effective treatment that can offer relief from depression, PTSD, and chronic pain conditions. It works by targeting the neurotransmitter glutamate, blocking off NMDA receptors which are responsible for regulating brain functions such as memory, learning, thought processes and mood regulation. It is used to treat people with chronic pain conditions associated with neuropathic pain including cancer-related pains, diabetic neuropathy nerve pain and other severe forms of this condition.