Key Information Concerning Colloidal Silver

Silver has numerous uses in the medical field. The element is usually incorporated in some forms of treatment that include, among others, creams, wound dressings, antibiotic components and as part of medical devices. A commonly used formulation is one in which elemental particles are suspended in a liquid to form colloidal silver. While this form of treatment was used widely at the beginning of the twentieth century, the advent of better antibiotics has greatly reduced its preference. 
The colloid is moderately effective in the treatment of some types of infections. In modern medical practice it is used in managing a number of infections found on the skin and on mucosal surfaces. Due to its antimicrobial activity, it is frequently applied on endotracheal tubes to minimize the risk of patients contracting pneumonia. Such tubes are used for patients that require general anesthesia during surgical operations or those on ventilator support. 
The cream is beneficial in managing burn wounds on the skin. Used in this manner, it helps in maintaining body homeostasis by minimizing the loss of water and body heat through evaporation. As a dressing, the main use is the management of chronic wounds particularly the non-healing types that are frequently seen in diabetes. The benefits here include reduction in the size of wound and reduction in the intensity of odor. 
The element is usually reacted with various salts to create therapeutically useful compounds. Silver nitrate is one of such compounds. This compound is the main component of eye drops given to newborns as a prophylactic treatment for conjunctivitis. It is also useful in the management of some skin infections such as corns and warts. The other important application is its use in medical devices such as cardiac and orthopedic devices. 
There are several advantages that may be realized by using the colloid in humans. For instance, the colloid is known to have low toxicity when it gains entry into the body through ingestion, inhalation or dermal contact. There may be some adverse effects, however, when used in excessive amounts. It usually accumulates below the skin especially when used topically. Blue or gray discoloration known as agyria) may occur when these areas are exposed to sunlight. 
Areas that affected by agyria are usually disfigured. The condition is irreversible and the people affected are usually advised to stay away from direct sunlight so as to reduce the formation of the dark deposits. Other organs in which the compound may be deposited include the liver, the kidney and the brain. There is an attempt to use laser therapy to manage this condition but this is still at an experimental stage. 
Although the use of silver has greatly reduced in mainstream medicine. The colloid is an important component of alternative medicine. Proponents of alternative medicine claim that this treatment has a wide spectrum and have widely marketed it as an effective treatment for conditions such as cancer, diabetes and tuberculosis among other illnesses. It has also been marketed as an essential mineral and sold as dietary supplements. All these claims do not have scientific backing. 
There are several other benefits of this colloid other than its uses in the medical field. For instance, it is widely used in water purification systems both domestically and industrially. Silver is produced by passing electricity through electrodes made of the same element. This is known as electrolysis. Apart from purification, disinfection also takes place.
If you are searching for information about pure colloidal silver, you can pay a visit to our web pages online here today. Additional details are available at right now.