King George III

Day 1: October 25,1760

On this day of October I had became king after my grandfather George II.

Day 2: March 22,1765

In 1765 the stamp act was ratified by the Brtish parliament under King George III. The stamp act mposed a tax on all papers and official documents in the American colonies.

Day 3: November 1765

Later on as the act was in place the act forced colonst to buy a British stamp for every official document they acquire.

Day 4: December 1773

The boston tea party was a protest b American colonist against King George III's rule in Amerca.This was a act of protest aganst the British for the Tea Act.

Day 5: April 1775

The American War Independence was fought when colonist fought againsts British troops at Lexington. This was fought between the Kngdom of Great Britain and the Thrteen colonies.

Day 6: July 4,1776

On this day the American Congress passed the Declaration of Independence. King Geroge III declared the colonies to be in a state in revolt. By August the King ordered troops to colonist.

Day 7: September 28,1781

The battle of Yorktown occured and the Americans that were supported by the French defeated British. About 5,000 troops went and helped their American alles fight the British.

Day 8: April 20,1792-March 25,1802

During those years there was a series of military conflicts that lasted from 1792-1802. This was calle the French Revolutionary War. It was French against Austria, Prussia, Russia, and other monarchies.This war lead to a flood of strategic opprotunities.

Day 9:  May 2,1808-April 17,1814 

A war called the Peninsular War was a military conflict fought by Spain and Portugal that was assisted by the United Kingdom. It invaded and occupyed forces forces of the First French Empire for control of the Peninsula. 

Day 10: January 29,1820 

George III died because he was death blind and mad. His illness have been cause by porphyria. He was buried in St.