
It's Not Just About the Blink of an Eye
We often say "kisapmata," which literally means "blink of an eye" in Filipino, to describe something that happens very quickly. But it's not just about the physical act of blinking. It's about the moment that passes, the opportunity that might be lost, the change that can happen in an instant.

I remember when I was a kid, my grandmother used to tell me that "ang buhay ay parang kisapmata" (life is like the blink of an eye). She would say that we should cherish every moment because it goes by so fast. I didn't really understand what she meant at the time, but as I grew older, I started to realize how true it was.

Life is full of kisapmata moments. They can be good or bad, big or small. It could be the moment you meet your soulmate, or the moment you lose a loved one. It could be the moment you get your dream job, or the moment you realize that you're not happy with your current one.

What's important is how we react to these kisapmata moments. Do we let them pass us by, or do we seize them? Do we dwell on the bad ones, or do we learn from them?

I believe that every kisapmata moment is an opportunity for growth. It's an opportunity to learn something new, to experience something different, to change our lives for the better. So let's not be afraid of these moments. Let's embrace them and make the most of them.

Because life is like the blink of an eye. And before we know it, it will be gone.

A Story of Kisapmata

I once knew a woman who lived her life to the fullest. She was always taking chances, always trying new things. She traveled the world, met interesting people, and had a lot of fun.

But one day, she was diagnosed with a terminal illness. She was given only a few months to live.

Most people would have given up hope at that point. But not her. She decided to use her remaining time to do all the things she had always wanted to do.

She went on a road trip with her friends, visited her favorite places, and spent time with her loved ones.

She lived every day like it was her last. And even though she knew that her time was running out, she never lost her spirit.

She taught me that even in the face of adversity, we can still choose to live our lives to the fullest. We can still find joy and happiness in every kisapmata moment.

A Call to Action
So let's not waste our time on things that don't matter. Let's focus on the things that make us happy and fulfilled. Let's live our lives to the fullest, so that when our time comes, we can look back and say that we have no regrets.

Ang buhay ay parang kisapmata. Huwag nating sayangin ang mga sandali na ibinibigay sa atin. (Life is like the blink of an eye. Let's not waste the moments that are given to us.)