
  • Anxiety is something everyone experiences, and it is normal. It’s how your brain gets you ready to deal with something that is dangerous.
  • Imagine you were hiking in the woods, and suddenly a large bear was in the path, growling. That’s what it feels like to be very anxious.
  • Some people, sometimes, get their anxiety stuck ‘on’ for no apparent real reason; kind of like a car alarm that malfunctions, and won’t turn off. This feels exactly the same as the danger kind of anxiety, and is very upsetting.
  • The best way to overcome anxiety like this is to do the thing that scares you, over and over, until the anxiety goes away. This is very hard to do.
  • People with anxiety like this are otherwise just like everybody else.
  • The best thing we can do for ______ is to not make a big deal about it. We should try to be good friends, like we would with anyone, and otherwise just get on with the day like we normally would.