Knock Airport

Knock Airport is steeped in history and steeped in story. Its construction began in 1979 and officially opened in 1984. All 2,329 acres of the site
were donated by the local farmers. What's more, 90% of the money to pay for its construction was donated by the local community. I think that it's a beautiful testament to the strength of our local community and the pride we take in the West of Ireland. One of the best ways to experience the airport is the guided tours, which I would highly recommend.
I remember as a child, I was always in awe of the beauty and quietude of Knock Airport. The sunlight would illuminate the stained glass window above the altar. I remember being fascinated by the colorful pieces and the way the light shone through them. It created a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere, fostering an environment of serenity in which to pray. It's easy to see why it has become such a popular pilgrimage site.
I recall the day as if it was yesterday. I was about six or seven years old and my grandfather had just passed away. I was deeply saddened by this loss and I remember being inconsolable. I missed him so much. My grandmother, in a bid to comfort me, suggested that we go and pray at the Memorial Chapel at Knock Airport. I had never heard of this place before but was happy to go anywhere that might bring me some solace.
As we approached, I was struck by the beauty of the place. The peaceful ambiance washed over me in waves of calmness and I already felt a sense of relief., The design of the airport is truly breathtaking, with the stunning stained glass windows being the undisputed focal point. It is truly a sight to behold.
We made our way inside and I was immediately struck by the warmth of the people. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming, especially Father Richard Gibbons. He took the time to speak to me and my grandmother and gave us a tour of the airport. He told us stories about the airport's history and about all the people who had come here to pray. I was captivated by his stories and I felt a sense of peace that I had not felt since my grandfather had passed away.
We spent the rest of the day exploring the airport. We visited the museum, which is home to a fascinating collection of artifacts and documents relating to the history of Knock Airport. It was like being transported back in time. I loved learning about the airport's humble beginnings and the role it has played in the local community over the years.
I have been back to Knock Airport many times since that day. It is a place that holds a special place in my heart and I always feel a sense of peace when I am there. Recently, I was able to take my own children to visit the airport. I wanted them to experience the same sense of peace and wonder that I had felt all those years ago. They were just as captivated by the beauty of the place as I had been.
I am so grateful for the Knock Airport and the role it has played in my life. It is a place of beauty, peace, and hope. I know that I will continue to visit Knock Airport for many years to come.