Knox goes away

For unacceptable behaviour and wasteful routine

Knox was known for his fun and playful nature, but it made him a little bit too careless. He was always leaving things around, and he was always getting into trouble.

One day, Knox's teacher had had enough. She called him to her desk and said, "Knox, I'm tired of your unacceptable behaviour. You're always leaving things around, and you're always getting into trouble."

Knox looked at his teacher with wide eyes. He couldn't believe that she was actually scolding him.

"I'm sorry, teacher," he said. "I'll try to be better."

But Knox didn't change his ways. He kept leaving things around, and he kept getting into trouble.

Finally, one day, Knox's teacher had had enough. She sent him to the principal's office.

The principal talked to Knox about his behaviour, and he told him that he was going to have to spend a week in detention.

Knox was devastated. He didn't want to spend a week in detention. He wanted to be out playing with his friends.

But Knox knew that he had to accept the consequences of his actions. He spent the week in detention, and he thought about his behaviour.

When Knox got out of detention, he was a changed boy. He was more careful about leaving things around, and he was more respectful of his teacher.

Knox's teacher was so proud of him. She told him that he was a good boy, and that she was glad that he had learned from his mistakes.

Knox was glad that he had changed his ways. He knew that he was a better person for it.