The Environment and Its Nature

Dear Grandchildren,


Trees provide the atmosphere with sufficient amounts of oxygen that we, as a population breath in. Without trees, human life will most likely cease to exist. Throughout centuries, men have torn down and burned extensive vasts of land that once proved beneficial to the success of the ecosystem. The way that we take care of our surrounding environment will soon lead to the end of what it offers. Preserving the precious nature around us will help the planet thrive. Living in harmony alongside the environment will eventually do us a favor.

Nature creates incredible things that can put almost anyone in true awe. From moist undergrown taverns to multi colored sunrises and sunsets. People take time out of their day just to gaze upon Earths creations when something amazing appears. I’ve had fond memorable experiences with nature and the environment that has surrounded me my entire life. My younger childhood days were spent playing outside with my neighborhood friends, either playing freeze tag during the day, or catching fireflies on hot summer nights. One experience on a spring night catches my mind the most out very many memories with nature. My friend and I decided to hang our Enos (hammocks) between two tall oak trees in my backyard and spend the night suspended over the ground. Had never slept outside the comfort of my own room or someone else’s, I was so eager and excited to camp out in my backyard for the first time. Hours before we settled into our Enos for the night, the weather was absolutely gorgeous. It wasn’t too hot or too cold, and the right amount of breeze came and went as time went one. The most breath-taking sunset I’ve seen in a while was on that night. Bright colors of orange, red, and yellow illuminated everything around us. Laying on our backs looking at the sky was one of the most relaxing and serene experiences I’ve ever felt. After the sunset faded, clear skies appeared with few, small, but bright stars twinkling away. Alone in the dark with my friend was quite scary and all we had for light was our phones that were dying, and a small lantern strapped against a tree branch that hung over our heads. Hunger overrode our thoughts so we decided to order pizza and get it delivered right to our enos. Food comas are definitely a thing because I was passed out within ten minutes of finishing the pizza! I was super worried about all the bugs and animals that come out at night, but I slept like a baby through the entire night without any issues. The experience was so fun that my friend and I slept outside multiple times after, even in the freezing cold. I got to feel like a camper and one with nature, which made it my most memorable experience with nature thus far.

If anyone should make an effort in saving something, nature should come as first priority. Nature is important to preserve because it is one of the biggest factors in helping us survive. Nature provides plants and animals that are beneficial for the planet and those that roam the earth. Natural foods are derived from nature so that we can sustain a healthy life, and so is fresh water to drink and to stay hydrated. As long as we keep our environments healthy and clean, nature will keep supplying us with the essentials it creates. In order to keep breathing in fresh air and obtaining energy from different food sources, we as a whole population need to make an effort to lesson pollution put into our ecosystems.

Environmental concerns are a heated topic these days amongst politicians and activist groups. A controversial environmental concern currently faced today is global warming. Some say the earth is heating up because of everyone’s lack of attention to pollution they give off into the atmosphere, and others say global warming is not even a true phenomenon that can be accurately proven. Environmental concerns are overall a scary issue that are being addressed all around the world. Wild fires have burned down thousands of acres of land in California and Australia which destroyed habitats for the animals that lived there. Those fires polluted the air, degraded the surrounding environment, and depleted many useful resources. Concerns can be seen anywhere and it is up to the people to either make it better or let it get worse.

Nature and the environment have provided the earth with its many creations and abilities for thousands of years. Without them, we would as a population would hardly survive. Our basic necessities have been provided to us naturally through nature which has benefited societies all over the world. It is very important to keep our environments healthy in order for us to keep receiving resources without having to worry about them running out. Nature is such a beautiful creation and it deserves to be treated with respect so that it will never go away.




Korina S.