Kyle Hayes Limerick

We all know Kyle Hayes, the famous stand-up comedian. But did you know he's also a master of the limerick? Here's a sample of his genius:
There once was a poet named Dave
Whose limericks were awfully grave
Till he met a young lass
Who gave him some sass
And taught him to liven the knave
Dave's limericks took on a whole new tone
He wrote about things that were funny or known
He wrote about love
And pigeons and gloves
And his poems became widely sown

Kyle Hayes's limericks are clever, witty, and sometimes even a little bit naughty. But they're always funny, and they're sure to make you smile. So, if you're looking for a good laugh, check out some of Kyle Hayes's limericks. You won't be disappointed.

Here's another one of my favorites:

There was a young lady named Sue
Whose beauty was quite the fondue
She dated a guy
Who was tall and quite spry
Together they felt quite anew
They fell deep in love, a match made above
They married and lived a full life
With laughter and fun
They basked in the sun
And lived as true man and wife

Kyle Hayes is a true master of the limerick form. His poems are clever, witty, and always entertaining. So, if you're looking for a good laugh, I highly recommend checking out his work.