Lakeshore Law Center - Successful Cases



THE FOLLOWING EXAMPLES OF CONSUMER RECOVERY* ARE ALL BASED ON ACTUAL CASES HANDLED BY THIS OFFICE JUST IN THE LAST TEN YEARS. Please note the results portrayed below are dependent on the facts of each specific case. Your results will differ if based on different facts.


·        Class Action settlement for $40 million to Fairbanks Capital customers for improperly handling of mortgage loans (this firm was not lead counsel)


·        Class action settlement for $13.4 million to users of RealNetworks for Internet privacy violations.


·        Class action settlement for $10 million to employees of Lenscrafters for meal and rest period violations.


·        Class action settlement for $10 million to Ralphs Grocery Stores’ customers who were denied vacations promised in a store promotion. (not lead counsel)


·        Class action settlement for $8.6 million to merchants using Cardservice International for illegal cancellation fees.


·        Class action settlement for $3 million to employees of EZ-Lube for meal and rest period violations.


·        Class action settlement for $2.6 million to merchants using A-1 Leasing, Duvera Billing Services and E-Commerce Exchange based on deceptive “virtual terminal” leases.


·        Class action settlement for $2.5 million to American Express customers for illegal convenience check offers. Other national banks paid $212,500 to four consumers in separate convenience check lawsuits.


·        Class action settlement for $2.4 million to merchants using Axin Financial Services and E-Commerce Exchange based on deceptive “virtual terminal” leases.


·        Class action settlement for $2.3 million to tenants of Evergreen Royalle Motel in Anaheim, CA for forcing tenants to move out every 28 days.


·        Class action settlement for $2 million to Citibank personal bankers deprived of meal and rest breaks.


·        Class action settlement for $2 million to Ameriquest customers overcharged a prepayment penalty.


·        Class action settlement for $1.5 million against a prominent law firm for legal malpractice in a former class action. This was a precedent establishing case leading to a published appellate court decision.


·        Class action settlement for $1.45 million against Vitamin World for violating meal and rest period rights of workers in California.


·        Class action settlement for $1.355 million against American Laser Clinics for a deceptive refund policy and lack of physician supervision.