ANEMIA Treatment - Raw Liver Amount Requirement :
Bee's note: Vitamin B12 is also found in red meat liver, along with iron. The traditional treatment was to eat one pound of calf's liver per day, providing almost 200 micrograms of B12.
INSTRUCTIONS / PREPARATIONS : If blood tests show you are anemic, and you want to quickly increase your iron within 10 days, you can do "ONE" of following:
If you cannot stomach that much liver it will take much longer to raise your iron levels. For more information about Vitamin B12 see the reference below.
How to Make Iron Supplements – 2 basic methods:
For both methods, use very fresh red meat liver of the highest quality available, and organic or certified organic. To reduce the strong flavor soak liver chunks in lemon juice before freezing.
Dosage - If blood tests show you are anemic, take the equivalent of 1/2 pound of frozen or grated raw liver daily. If you cannot stomach that much liver, it will take much longer to increase your iron levels.
* Bee Wilder - Anemia Treatments :
* WAPF - The Liver files :