Late-night with the devil

The devil is a liar, a deceiver, and a thief. He is the enemy of our souls and he wants to destroy us.

We must be on our guard against him and his tricks. We must not be deceived by his lies or tempted by his offers.

The devil is often most active at night. This is when we are tired and vulnerable. He knows that we are less likely
to be able to resist his temptations when we are tired.

If you find yourself being tempted by the devil, pray for strength and resistance. Ask God to help you to see through
the devil`s lies and to resist his temptations.

With God`s help, we can overcome the devil and his temptations. We can live victorious lives in Christ.

Here are some specific examples of how the devil may tempt us at night:

  • He may tempt us to stay up late and watch TV or surf the Internet.
  • He may tempt us to eat unhealthy snacks or drink alcohol.
  • He may tempt us to have sexual thoughts or engage in sexual activity.
  • He may tempt us to worry about the future or dwell on the past.

If you find yourself being tempted by any of these things, pray for strength and resistance. Ask God to help you to see through
the devil`s lies and to resist his temptations.

With God`s help, we can overcome the devil and his temptations. We can live victorious lives in Christ.


Make a commitment to spend some time each night in prayer. Ask God to help you to overcome the devil`s temptations and
to live a victorious life in Christ.